Usually you only have to see a penis from that kind of angle if you're living with its owner. Very remeniscent of the old "bending over naked to put socks on" routine. In related news, penises are funny.
We have Sonos. I am no audiophile, but they sound good to me and I also enjoy the fact that the units are small and unobtrusive and still fill a room if you stash them on a shelf or on top of a cabinet or something (we have one unit per room in our living room, dining room, and kitchen, they're pretty separate rooms, not sure what would happen if you had more of an open floorplan). My husband fancies himself quite the audiophile and he's obsessed with it. He was also able to hook everything up really quickly, and he's moderately handy.
Well, after a huge kerfuffle, I managed to make it to Baltimore. Should be a fun weekend of travel and tropical medicine. I guess.
This month is also "child abuse prevention month" in which you are supposed to wear blue in support of it. (Because every crime/disease has a day/week/month right?) But as someone who suffered sexual abuse as a child, I ask that you at least do something to help out. You don't have to wear a blue shirt all month (as I am doing), or a blue ribbon, or donate money, or donate your time (same here). But please at least do something. Help a local family out. The kids may not be abused per se, but they may well have not had the life you had. That counts. Anything positive counts. Abuse is in the eye of the beholder; for kids, "abuse" can be defined as life without a mother, or father, or getting bullied at school. Please do something for Child Abuse Prevention Month. Big, little, or otherwise insignificant. You may think what you do doesn't matter; except for the fact that EVERY. LITTLE. THING. you do matters. You may not like me, but the cause is worth your while.
Not cool, bro. Say you're sorry. So, is White House Down supposed to be satire or something, or did Roland Emmerich actually make a movie more stupid than Independence Day? This movie sucks an angry beej so badly it's become hilarious, I've never seen such a collection of two-bit cliches.
Last month was domestic violence awareness month. We got an email at work asking us to wear whatever color of the month it was. I sent them another email basically telling them "I know you mean well, but how about we actually DO something instead? All I see is a bunch of slacktivism. I would 100% volunteer to actually put together a donation drive at the office and have all of the proceeds go to a local women's shelter where there is actually going to be a difference. Please let me know if there is any interest in my suggestion." You know how many responses I got out of 150 people?
For the record, as someone who grew up without a father, that is NOT abuse in any sense of the definition.
I don't know what's more genius: The Fresh Prince punching out an alien in bulletproof armour, or a dog outrunning a fireball. No, alien computer virus created by brilliant cable TV repairman. No, The Empire State Building at the end of a dead-end street etc etc It's a popcorn movie, it was fun to see in in the theatre but when I watched it last time I asked "Who wrote the part of the script where L.A. is scorched earth from an explosion but the First Lady survives it in an airbourne helicopter?" Other unintentional comedy from a 1996 summer film? Twister. Independence Day is still fun, but THAT movie is fucking lame. The funny part comes from I swear to Christ "Rated PG-13 for intense storm sequences." ...the fuck. "Gee darlin' I don't know if the yung'uns should be seeing this film. There's some pretty nasty-lookin' weather in it."
Yea, I don't think you know what hipsters are. Not liking a TV show doesn't make you a hipster at all, in any way.
Good God you people are bringing back repressed memories of god-awful movies I haven't seen in fifteen years...I do remember wanted to sleep with the chick from Twister, whoever that was. I don't remember and I'm not wasting precious seconds of my life googling that piece of shit movie.
Man Twister and ID4 are both awesome. "I think WE ARE GOING IIIIIIINNNNNNNN!" I mean belting themselves to pipes in the ground? Genius.