Yerp, I know I've mentioned here before. I used to work with police departments and state police agencies as a consultant. I was actually down south and got hit on by a fairly high up member of this agency. At first I thought he was just a really nice guy but then he started to say shit to me when nobody else was around, like asking to come up to my hotel room for a drink and asking me to go out to a club with him after we were done with work for the day. After trying to politely refuse and him seeming that he wouldn't stop I told him he was making uncomfortable. He just laughed it up and kept asking. He even followed me to my hotel room one night after work. I had to keep him outside and then rushed back to the group that was getting together. Just to note: he wasn't forceful or sexually explicit, he was just creepy and seemed to enjoy it. And as I said I wasn't sure if he was just friendly or actually creepy but a couple co-workers noticed that he seemed to like to hang around me a whole lot. I'm glad I don't have to deal with that guy anymore.
Not comically aggressive but at a bar I had a guy come up and tell me how much he liked the collar of my jacket. He then said a girl he was with had dared him to just come up to me and hit on me. I told him he was barking up the wrong tree at which point he got straight faced and said "I don't fuck dudes!" He turned and told the bar tender that my next round was on him and then he stormed off. I was very confused.
I paid for college by working restaurants, you sort of get jaded to this bit. I was on a particularly pleasing run of the hostess staff when one of my gay coworkers chided me for liking girls. The exact quote was something about "you might as well go roll in fish at the dock! Come home with ME and I will make you a real man!" He wasn't the only one, but he had the funniest lines. In general, servers all sleep with servers, so it wasn't very shocking. I countered with the fact that I really, really like girls, I appreciate the attention and am flattered, but I STILL only really, really like girls. It was never an issue.
NO! Just no, glitter is the herpes of the craft world, you keep finding it in random places weeks after you come into contact with someone who has covered there face in it thinking it makes them look sexy. My dick is the last place I want to find that stuff.
Glitter was a nightmare when it was popular for bar stars to wear it over a decade ago. Shit never goes away, just like GSEBG (Green Synthetic Easter Basket Grass). Now that I have a kid, I fucking hate Play-Doh. Does this stuff ever last longer than two uses? If that?
This has nothing to do with gay men. Straight men do it to, they just don't do it to other men. It's pretty much the sole realm of men to flirt with someone, uninvited/un-reciprocated, to a degree where they feel sexually assaulted - most women don't do it. So what you're experiencing is what it's like for women to get hit on so aggressively that they feel completely uncomfortable.
When you mentioned Glitter, this nightmare was the first thing that came to mind: Thank fuck I've never actually seen this. I may want to pour hydrochloric acid into my eyes if I did. It truly takes a spectacular piece of crap to get 2.1 out of 10 on IMDB...
Jesus Cristos. Anyone still watching Hannibal? Nobody mentioned squat about the second season in the TV thread. It officially became my favorite show about 10 minute's ago. I was a hair's breadth away from loathing the first season, but I stuck with it. Best decision ever. It has backed away from over the top violence and bloodshed, turning into a particularly tight, clever psychological thriller. Last night's episode was almost unspeakable. Not only did it make me hungry, but it got away with the absolute most twisted thing ever. Spoiler One of Hannibal's victims was coerced into eating his own leg as his own last meal. A beef roulade of his leg stuffed with mushrooms, wrapped in a cabbage leaf, and baked inside clay to be specific. Stunning. I am starving. Anyone interested in a late night snicky snack?
Real willpower is making a single mug cake when every fibre of your being actually wants to make a tray of brownies.
I had a big package of combos, plus a lot of hot tamales and milk duds at work this afternoon. Now that I have fully filled my body with disgusting filth that is sure to rot my insides, I am skipping dinner and will probably go to bed very soon. Winning?
I feel fucking terrible. Only time heals this. First it was all the sugar giving my stomach a'rumblin', now I am full of salt and whatever poison they put in combos. I need to sleep this shit off.
Girls are gross. For dinner all I had were onion rings, mozzarella sticks, honey bbq chicken melt sandwich, fries and then finished it off with a peanut butter cup blizzard. Oh yeah, I had a salad in there, so I ate healthy. And then some leftover birthday cake when I got home. No regrets.
There was a time, about 10-13 years ago, when I would have called that "lunch." Now just reading it make my stomach uncomfortable.