I love that show. I do wonder where they're going with it now that basically everyone knows Hannibal is a killer.
Not a huge soccer fan, but this popped up on the internet. British TV Present Helen Skelton had her boobies out on the beach and some dude just recorded it. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.totallynsfw.com/nsfw/topless_video_of_british_tv_presenter_helen_skelton" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.totallynsfw.com/nsfw/topless ... en_skelton</a>. I'd put this in the porn thread but its not really porn. Just a video of boobs. Also, I really like this tattoo. The colors really pop you know?
I see a riot broke out at Deltopia. That's nice. Because if there's one demographic who should be allowed to start fires and destroy people's property, it most definitely should be rich kids.
Airports are fantastic. One of the last bastions of being able - nay, encouraged - to shamelessly drink alone in public.
Yep, drinking at the airport bar is part of flying. I don't think I'll ever fly sober again if I can help it.
Bonus points if you can pass out in flight. There are few things more miserable than being 6'6 and riding bitch on a coast to coast flight.
Re: Re: 4/4/14 WDT NSFW Fucking tell me about it, I am going to Seattle in a few months and am dreading the 5 hours in coach.
That's true but being tall on an airplane is hell. My grandfather and uncle always just bite the bullet and pay more for the bulkhead or emergency exit seats being that they are each 6'8". I recently flew on Spirit Airlines with the girlfriend to see her sister in Chicago over spring break. That jank-ass airline is pure hell. There is absolutely no leg room in those planes. I'm 6'3" and could barely fit in the seat. Good thing I had an aisle seat so that I could hang a knee out in the aisle. You would have to be shorter than 5'11" to fit comfortably in that airline. There's a reason we paid a little over $120 round trip.
Absolutely not. I switched to Crown as my preferred brand awhile ago and I got 100 on Amazon for the same price as I would pay for 12 at Walgreens/CVS/etc... Even more amusing was also in that order was a book on Options Trading, vitamins, and refill Brita filters. I'd like to believe the fulfillment of my order brought a smirk for someone.
There is a special place in hell reserved for people who snack on loud foods in quiet public places. I mean, come on, asshole, how much nutrition do you think you're getting out of celery and carrots? You're not a rabbit.
As I sit here, munching on healthy Korean food about to watch Cosmos, I pine for my trip to the US. I will get too stoned to be stoned, watch "Cosmos" and a bunch of cartoons and eat American unhealthy slab-not-sliced pizza and fruit snacks made of childhood joy. Goddamn healthy decisions.
One of these days people are going to understand that the left lane is the passing lane, not the drive 2 mph over the speed limit and stay there lane. Fucking god damn pieces of shit. Crash and go to hell.