I was watching a documentary about something going on in West Virginia once. They were interviewing some woman sitting in her living room. The narrator said "These are not just backwoods hill jacks living in this town". 30 seconds later a chicken ran across the living room. Coal mining is the least of their problems.
In the diamond industry, most of the people I deal with stay in India because they are high up the caste system. I always wonder why they don't leave, cause they have plenty of money to live well elsewhere, and its because they are treated like kings back home whereas they would be just a normal rich person elsewhere. Ive met multiple incredibly nice Indians who treat everyone "lower" than them like shit. Great to do business with, generous, fair and honest (a RARE commodity with Indians, much less in the diamond business) but will leave their shoe untied until a servant or employee comes in and ties it for them. Or tells me "that is not necessary" when I say thank you to an assistant for bringing me a bottle of water. Its just a fucked up culture in that way. This will be my first time seeing them in their element, should be something...
Visit a reservation up here in Minnesota or the Dakotas and you'll see a big holes cut out of the trailer walls so the horses can drink directly out of the bathtub or sink. I'm guessing that is common elsewhere too but it's just a different world "on the rez."
Canada. It's the South just with more snow, ice, and bears. http://www.canadianuforeport.com/survey/data/2015data.pdf
I have inadvertently caused a war on my Facebook page between scientists and non-scientists. It's 75% awesome and 25% "damn, I should delete this thread".
I went and saw M83 last night but BORNS opened for them and we were watching the show and my buddy says how hot the singer is. I said that singer chick is a dude he refused to believe me and argued for about 30 seconds until out comes the google. He still did not believe it.
Sadly, the show is not that funny. I like that it's all 80s all the time, but not too many laughs. It was nice seeing a Rush-centric episode, though. One of the lines from the guy giving reasons why the band Rush is so awesome:
I have people I know because they're my friend's parents who believe in cleanses, government conspiracies that would make Jesse Ventura shake his head in disbelief and the classic "Eastern medicine". I especially love the sweet dumpling-brains who think that The Autismos are caused by the vaccines. They are hilariously deluded, and now why babies are getting measles again. http://www.redbookmag.com/body/heal...-center/?src=spr_FBPAGE&spr_id=1441_140827410