"You see, the talking bot happened to be on duty in a store south of Tokyo on Sunday when an apparently inebriated customer took a dislike to the attitude of a clerk. Rather than take out his anger on the human member of staff, the 60-year-old man instead lashed out at Pepper, kicking and damaging the 120-cm robot[...]" All I can say is at least it wasn't in Philadelphia, right? Baby steps. Also, at least Pepper 'survived' his attack. Hitchhiker-Bot was gutted like he owed the Robot Mafia.
Well, this is just good science. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-s...egates-take-hallucinogenic-drug-10491114.html I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall.
A painful ache has slowly been working its way through my digestive tract since about 4am this morning. I pray that I am safely at home by the time it reaches my colon.
I've been having this thought frequently. Every discussion, both on here and socially, turns to poop and farts. *I* am not the one to always bring it up either. We're finally at a place as a society where both men and women alike can share poop stories over a pint. We will live free, we will stand proud, unashamed. I'm tearing up. 'Murika.
http://sostrenews.com/rare-pink-dolphin-spotted-again-might-be-pregnant/ There is a pink-hued dolphin swimming around in Louisiana that may be pregnant, and all I can think is, "I'm amazed places are still defined as 'parishes' in the United States, even in a place like Louisiana."
If I may pontificate on this, I think that very much like sex, shitting is something everyone 'does' and can make for easy story fodder, as we just naturally think sex is cool and farting and crapping is funny/gross. Also, 'Murrica.
It's a Catholic thing (you can't throw a rock in this town without hitting a Catholic church) and yet another reason for all of Louisiana to hate New Orleans and everything about it.
"The British Government’s drug advisory service, Frank, describes 2C-E as a psychedelic and hallucinogenic stimulant that has effects “somewhere between ecstasy and LSD”. Anyone taking it experiences a buzz and feeling of being “alive and in tune with their surroundings”, their colours and smells. It can also cause hallucinations, sexual arousal, hypersensitivity and other effects that become “more intense and uncontrollable” with higher doses. The drug is classed as relatively new by Frank and not widely available in the UK, but is illegal as part of the phenethylamine family as a class A drug." So basically, ecstasy-acid hybrid drug, made a bunch of people at an alternative medicine expo lose their minds. I wonder who dealer/distribution agent was.
Something like this happened to my dad back in the 70's. He was in Toronto on business for AT&T, (although it may have been Western Electric at the time), and someone laced the bottles of drinking water with LSD. As it turned out, it was a disgruntled waiter at the hotel that was holding the conference. I remember after my father got home that he would occasionally have flashbacks and forget who we were and who he was. Good times.
You'd think it was a woman reading a story to kids, but nope... she's in a courtroom talking about "vaginas". Is it just me, or would anyone else like to get her drunk at a dinner party?
In a World War I-II thread in a Facebook group I am in, a troll posted these. I highly suggest pronouncing all of them in the most faux-'Hans' German accent you can muster. I am splitting my sides here.
I love speed, but the lack of safety gear makes me shake my head. Also the lack of anyway of stopping if something pulls from a side road or animal. If he hits anything he will be lucky to be alive.
Now those football players are saying a defensive coach told them the ref needs to pay. I don't know enough details to react to this yet, but I have a sickening feeling. Where there's smoke...
WTF difference does it even matter if the D coach said that or not? What did they think was going to happen? The fucking idiots. It's bullshit like this that fans the fires of it being too dangerous of a sport. Fuck that man. Just like everything else, when it's legal it's good (football in this case), when it's illegal it's just that. As a fan it pisses me off that I am forced to defend football. Shit like this makes that much harder to do.