For those of you nice enough to imply I beat the dog, here it is looking happy and fulfilled, stretching after leaving a, surprisingly, large shit on my kitchen floor. The damn thing gets walked 7 times a day. The one instance where it leaves me alone for longer than 10 seconds it tries to clone itself on my new floor.
Again, never defended them. And again, lets not pretend most 16-17 year olds are fountains of rational thought, especially if they are guided by an equally shithead coach.
I've a ton of experience with shitty people coaching me in high school sports. Several of my coaches spent years in prison for various reasons, after I graduated. One was running a meth lab out of his home. Two were fucking female students, a lot of female students. The people that choose to be high school sports refs are not the kind of people that go about calling people racial slurs. They don't do it for the money, they don't give up their time just to be horrible people on a patch of grass or hardwood. They don't do it to go out on a field with 25 other people within earshot and start calling some of those people racial slurs. That would be bloody stupid. It is my belief, based on my experience, that those kids are full of shit. My coaches, the lot of them, were not afraid to bend and break laws. However, if sportsmanship, purity of the game and honor on the field came first for that bunch of felons, I imagine it does for most others.
In every profession, there's a bad percentage of fuck-heads that does not reflect the 'norm', but I still have a gut intuition that the whole racial remark part is bullshit.
As the resident black arbiter of this board since Nom never posts here anymore, I looked at that story and I think it is fishy. Now if it was a baseball ref or hockey, we could have a conversation. But Football has been really black for the last 25 years. It is REALLY hard to imagine a dude dressing up in a silly uniform, taking his time out to for minimal pay to ref a game where at least 70% of the people he's surrounded by/in close proximity are black. At the same time, the other team looks pretty mixed up as well so being racist to one group of black guys in favor to the other is a bit odd.
Most days, I love my job but I cannot get motivated to be the least bit productive. I took a couple of days off so that may be to blame... Yep, I'm going with that.
Thanks to chloral hydrate, my kid has slept for 10 of the last 12 hours. And has shit through 6 articles of clothing in the last 90 minutes. Fuck me.
Me: Name any country in Europe. Any country. It doesn't matter which one. 18 year old senior: Uhhhhhhhhhh. Asia? I can't tell you how much I hate being a teacher. Fuck. I also just remembered an episode my first year where no one in a class of seniors (an admittedly small class of 7 or so) could accurately identify England on a map.
Does anybody ever have an ex who is like a cat who keeps bringing you a dead mouse? Because I could use some advice on what to say to make sure they go away and never come back. I thought I took care of this last time, but no.
That is some good advice written above me. As long as their are no children involved, that is probably the way to go. I was such an insecure idiot in my younger days, I would keep either hanging on or letting them hang on for a pity fuck. Not worth it ever.
Seriously... don't just take them out of your phone, silently block that number so you not only don't get the message, but you don't know they even called. Block their email, and all other social media. Do not even read what they send. If they mail you something, scrawl RTS on it and send it back, unopened. Don't be nice, don't try and explain... just don't engage at all.
To just follow up on the other good advice, do NOT give in to plea deals. You don't negotiate with terrorists, unlike the United States government.
Ditto to the above. Crazy people fucking THRIVE on attention whether it's positive, negative or indifferent. Do not engage. I'm disappointed. A gal I've known for years (we went to school together) and I work together. I found out that she's been super sweet to my face and spreading all kinds of shit and lies about me to our coworkers behind my back. I spoke with her last week about it telling her to stop tarnishing my reputation and come to me directly with any "concerns". Of the 60+ people in my department I thought she'd be the last one to pull this shit. Girls are so immature and shitty to each other.
I did this once, drunkenly after a break up. After we hung up from the break up call (she lived in Fresno, I was not driving to fucking Fresno to break up with her), I deleted her from my phone and social media shit. Good thing, too, because when I got drunk in sadness for like the next week, I would get horny and regretful and want to call her, but I couldn't.
Sounds like you are still harboring some guilt for breaking up over the phone and not doing it in person. Please elaborate on why you felt like you needed to justify that? All the years of therapy make me ask smart questions like that.
Well, because breaking up with someone over the phone is a shitty thing to do. It's like the easy way out, you don't have to confront their emotional distress in person. But like I said, I wasn't going to drive to Fresno to break up with her, then drive an hour and a half back home.