That's why you're only suppose to get a little high. Appropriately enough, A Million Little Fibers is playing right now on Comedy Central. And speaking of Comedy Central and 4/20, has anyone else been watching Workaholics?* Brain meltinggggg! EDIT: And now it's the Intervention episode! Awesome. This was most definitely on purpose. * - No, shegirl, there is NOT a thread made for it already. I checked. Hrmph.
A joint is 100% the way to go for a variety of reasons. Pluses to a joint: you don't have to keep lighting the damn thing every time you want to take a hit. As mentioned, you don't have to carry drug paraphernalia. I say have to, because grinders are obviously the shit. Joints taste good, and you can make them taste even better with a pinch of tobacco. Plus you get to roll a joint, which in itself is at least 15x as fun as packing some bong/bowl/electric contraption. The only real negative is that you are still burning stuff vs. whatever a vaporizer does that gets you high, but fuck sucking on a plastic bag or hose, it kind of ruins the experience for me. I think I taught all my smoking buddies in college how to roll joints. When I quit smoking for a while because I thought I wanted to work for the gub'ment I'd still roll for the few who lacked the finger coordination. Honestly, as much as I like getting stoned I think I enjoy the act of rolling up a joint even more.
Wether stoned or not stoned, if this video doesn't do anything for you, you've either done too much coke or are just dead inside. Happy 4/20.
...I'm not trying to inform the masses about anything. I was just saying why I didn't care much about the holiday. If you enjoy it then good for you, I hope you have a blast. As far as smoking methods go, rolling a joint really is fun, but does waste a shitton of weed. I'm a huge lightweight so usually I prefer to have just a couple of puffs when I smoke. Plus, I don't enjoy being stoned out of my mind too much. It's hard to have a couple of puffs with a joint, so bowl is my preferred method. It really is the easiest too.
So... Went downtown for 4:20 pm to Victoria Park today where they (the smokers of the marijuana cigarettes) have their gathering every year. This is the first time I have gone to hang out with the Try Recycling Crowd. Getting there, I am greeted by about 6 or 7 dozen cops in their flourescent green jackets and kevlar gloves, all out to enforce "zero tolerance"which apparently includes gang-tackling a 5'3" 16-year-old kid who dared light up then flee in terror. Really? THESE are the people you need to crack skulls for? It's not like they're walking up and blowing a shotgun at infants in baby carriages. We have senior citizens being beaten to death and THIS is when they call out the Hang-Ten Head Wrecking Crew. At 125 lb. calcium deficient afghan sweater-rocking stoners. For shame. Shame on you, London P.D. for such an ignorant use of recources. You'd think after the G8 clusterfuck you'd let everyone get twisted and walk out of the park no harm done like it's happened EVERY YEAR without one incident that required arrest, ut apparently we live in the Southwest now. Buzzkill. I'm tuned now, though. Allow me you set the mood, take your pick:
Speaking of London, did you know that there's a Dr. Death in London? He's the only Dr. Death in all of Ontario. We looked it up. I'm normally against parents pressuring kids to go into certain careers, but if your last name is Death, there is no excuse for you not having the title "Dr." in front of your name. Side note, I also know someone who may one day be Major Johnson. It's all very hilarious.
If his name was John and he had a lisp, he would have a hard time informing people when they had jaundice.
Take note any possible chronoassasins, April 21st, 2011, was supposed to be the day Skynet became self aware and wrecked humanity's shit.
I swear, it's like every time I am gone for a few months, my family takes seminars on button-pushing or something. I've only been here for 3 hours, and I'm already pissed off. Hell, I was pissed shortly after my plane landed. Took like, 20 minutes. That, my friends, is upper-echelon talent. Maybe I'll inherit it. I need me some weed.
lots and lots of people care about 4/20. There are college campuses that celebrate the day openly. In the middle of a field. All of these people are getting high. That's how many people care about 4/20. Edit: I just realized what my signature is.
Um yea, thats my alma mater, University of Colorado at Boulder. 4/20 is taken seriously as you can see. That photo right there is Norlin Quad where people congregate every year on 4/20 and smoke freely in public. Btw, thats not in the middle of a field, thats in the heart of campus.
Who needs weed when you can just eat bacon, hummus, grapes, and chocolate chips for dinner? I skip the whole getting munchies thing and go straight to the delicious food.
Anyone knowledgeable on running barefoot (not with VFF's, legit barefoot)? I just ran around the farm this morning and felt like Billy Badass, my girlfriend called me a moron and said if I get a cut I could get gangrene from the fertilizer. Like 99% of what she says I called her an idiot and shrugged it off, but I'll be damned if I'm not feeling queasy thinking about it. Anyone know if that's a legit concern?