Falcor was a gay fucking dragon, he was pink, fluffy and creepy. Wolves hunt in packs, while dragons are solo, which can be a weakness if strategy is utilized. Wolves have been known to raise human children, so there is always a back-up sitter. What dragon babysits? TELL ME. In other news, I started Archer ten minutes ago and can't stop fucking laughing. Thanks, boys.
Dragons don't babysit because they eat those fucking kids. They're really tender. Unlike the wolves who passed up a free meal because they were a bunch of pussies. Wherever the fuck they want, but they don't do it on our yards our of respect. They're fearsome, yet polite.
Hey look! Another GAY dragon. The only problem with a gay dragon is it's much less terrifying. Predators need terror. (I love this scientific and completely valid debate going on...)
You mean like this? Anyone who says they wouldn't be terrified of seeing this coming for them is an outright liar.
There are several animals that I do not wish to encounter, but sharks are pretty fucking scary to me. Gorillas too, I hate fucking primates, creepy bastards. I just realized what that says, it's funny and I'm baked, so I will stick with it...
I own one of these, it fires a 325 grain ballistic tip bullet with excellent accuracy. I can kill them all. Debate over. Now get back to posting T&A pics. Thanks in advance.
Dragons can fly. And they can breathe fucking fire. I think the debate ends there. On another note I am off to Florida for Spring Break on Saturday. Wooo Hooo. With the wife and children. Staying with the in laws. The last time I went on Spring Break it involved liquor and loose women. Now I get Cape Canaveral and Sea World. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
I know what you mean man, I know what you mean. Just kidding, I don't have children, so my vacations are still a drunk free for all, WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO.
While I agree that dragons are better than wolves (which, by the way, is like saying, "I think breathing is better than not breathing"), you're forgetting that DreamWorks sucks all sorts of ass. PIXAR ALL THE WAY, MOTHERFUCKERS! "No, no, no, do NOT wind her up. That is a big gun, and she is baby-crazy." "Uhh! 'Baby-crazy??'" "Heh, that's why I dumped her." "You little...you lying sack of shit. I dumped YOU, because you're dragging around a 35-year-old umbilical cord!" "See! All you talk about is baby shit! BECAUSE YOU'RE BABY-CRAZY!" First time I watched that, I was a tad baked. Laughed 'til my sides hurt.
I wonder how she justified getting that tat done. "It means that I like stars and I want everyone to know." "I'm a rockstar...see?" "I was on meth and my friend needed some practice tattooing." "It all started when I polished off that handle of Jose." "One for each of the my babies daddies." I could go on, but these aren't even very funny anyway. I'll stop now.