Tell them you hate black people. Works every time. Then again there would forever be a record of you admitting to being a racist but at least you wouldn't have jury duty.
It's weird, I know jury duty sucks, but I'd love to serve on a jury, to see what it's like. Unfortunately, even though I get called every couple of years, I never get sat on one because I'm an attorney. I just think it would be fascinating to see a courtroom from that side.
I don't know why some people seemed to always get called. My friend has six times. I've never even been given notice for it. I guess I wouldn't mind if it happened since I'll still get paid in full for doing it.
If you tell them that your brother would have been a convicted felon but for jury nullification, then perhaps you'd get somewhere.
I got called in for jury duty in January. I remember being annoyed by the whole experience. It was Denver county so it was a big group of people. They sat us in the room and did a cattle call every now and then. It was obvious they were screening people. Fortunately for me, for whatever reason, my demographic is highly undesirable to sit on a jury. So just be a youngish white male with a couple of degrees, and they won't go near you. TVI, what are the most desirable jurors? I noticed women and minorities got called up disproportionately more than white males. I've also head if you have family in law enforcement they won't go near you or if you know about jury nullification
Dear Baby Jesus, Why are Texans so batshit crazy? #Jadehelm Please send me $10,000,000 and some guns as a sign you've heard my prayer. A-men. Misnathropic
Florida Man Attempts To Cash $368 Billion Check. Sweet baby Jesus. This story has everything. So many feels, can't even process them all. AND NINJA THROWING STARS. Who is the jerk that said drugs weren't awesome?
Someone around here is having a way worse day than I am. One of the urinals in the mens room has what appears to be droplets of "blood spatter" down one side, in and out.
I just want to go to the restaurant that's 20x the size of an auto assembly plant. That's one hell of a salad bar.
Wal Mart is in on it too man. Wake up sheeple!
Here's another one then, out of Spokane today. Read the comments, they're priceless:
I have to wonder if those people really believe in what they are typing in the comments or just trolling.
They believe it, every word. My cousin says she can smell the chemtrails when "they" spray over her apartment. She can also taste the fluoride in tap water, she won't drink any water that she can taste fluoride in, because it gives you cancer.
My ex-worker would get so infuriated on my rampant dismissal of chemtrails he would turn red, shout, and shove a finger in my face. This guy was INSISTANT that this Illuminati-pulled-out-of-The-Great-Architect's-ass fiction was fucking REAL. Lesson: if you force something on somebody long enough, and if they have enough gullible bones in their body then as sure as you are born they will buy into it. Just look at Debra Messing: everything about her sucks, yet she stars in a TV show that was a culture phenomenon and the lead in a movie. Nobody wanted her yet here she is. Sorry.... Was. All of these Infowars rejects should be given their own country. Then they can bumble around at the own leisure crudely eating applesauce, occasionally running into to each other to exchange insider information/documents and then shoot loads on one another to make new baby retards.