I remember people making fun of Shaq for missing extended time in an NBA season with a toe injury. Anyone who has injured their big toe could likely sympathize. Its no fucking joke. I took a puck off the top of my foot in a hockey game on Sunday afternoon, didn't think much of it till my toe throbbed later. It bled off and on for a day or two. Tried to drill through my nail to relieve pressure yesterday only to realize all the fluid had been able to escape just fine. Its a bit better today, but still a dull throbbing pain that gives me a really stupid looking limp. Its not swollen or broken, but fuck it hurts like a bitch. I had a softball game tonight and soccer tomorrow that I will fight through, but its not fun.
This is actually true. Sort of. Burning pretty much anything is going to fill the air with all kinds of shit that's bad for you. It just probably isn't going to make a big enough difference to matter. What people don't understand is that carcinogens are all about probability, and not everything that "can cause cancer" is equal to cigarettes or bad sunburns or asbestos.
Abstinence and the promotion and practice there of is strictly for sheltered lunatics. I'll never understand voluntarily refraining from the greatest thing there is and I never will. It's a hilarious fact also that these nutbag schools that make these poor kids abstinence pledges while feeding them lies have MUCH more sexually active students. I fucking LOVE that. Because these do what any crafty person does when someone makes make an unjust rule: they find loopholes. TWO to be exact, and it's wonderous. Imagine how these sex-starved prudes would react if they knew their daughter was saying to their freshly-scrubbed prom date: "I must day virginal and pure until the day I marry. So, only fuck me up the ass. Then I'll blow you afterwards." Excuse me while I kiss the sky.
I don't know what it is about her, but I would bang the hell out of "Angie" from Angie's List. Maybe it's because she looks like she'd make a killer meal after (or at the very least, know hundreds of local cooks who could whip something up).
So you're into teeth. Lots and lots and LOTS of teeth. She's probably the most normal-looking woman there is. That's an original crush, I must say.
Sometimes I think that baby boomers have us millenials all wrong. We're not "entitled" (a word so overused it is beginning to lose meaning), we're just a bunch of self-pitying whiners who are unwilling to put up with even the mildest of unpleasantness for a given reward, and when we see people who have been rewarded with various things we are unwilling to see the unpleasantness they had to put in to earn it. Did I mention the self-pitying? Yeah, the self-pitying.
If you hurt a digit, you will be in agony. Fingers or toes hurt so goddamn much when you injure them you feel like a helpless child. And the pain lasts basically for infinity. I jammed my finger playing volleyball in the late 90's and it still hurts when it bends a certain way. Not broke it or severed and reattached, but jammed it. It's incredible.
You know, I didn't notice the teeth thing until you mentioned it and I looked up a bunch of images of her. I figured out what it is, though. She looks like a woman I'd like to hate-fuck who works for one of my clients.
That's also probably why the outside edges of my hands are so tender all the time. I had some digits removed when I was a baby and the slightly regrown cartilage in that area hurts like a bitch if I bump it. Your fingers have so many nerve endings.
Some? Like, more than 2? Babies born with 6 fingers on a hand is not that rare, and the doctors usually take them right off. But, if we're talking "some" - well, that's awesome. Spoiler: High Five! Er, Seven.
If the movie Deliverance taught me anything, it's that inbred folks can still be musicians. Though, banjo is the preferred instrument. I'm not sure if 'wildered plays the banjo, but since she's from Alabama, it might be on her knee.
Let's not pretend you aren't already running a stable of high-priced Amazonian whores out of this new pad of yours.