When we're thirteen, yes. As an adult you wonder if she ca finger your asshole and rivkle your taint while you're fucking. Unless her hands are made of some sort of bio-velvet, handy-j's are for kids and the coaches who give them.
I had 12 toes and 12 fingers when I was born. Incest does make it more prevalent because it is a dominant trait so you're significantly increasing your odds at getting that trait if both your parents are passing you the gene, but in my case only my mom was a carrier for it. She had extra toes when she was born and half her 6 kids had extra toes, extra fingers, or both. I definitely wish they had left my toes alone. I have crazy wide feet (there is space for the toe that should be there) and the toes regrew slightly so I have bone spurs on the bottoms of my feet. I'd rather my 12 weird toes be happily gathered into a shoe than 10 of them gathered into a shoe where every step is painful. PSA: Don't clip your kids' toes. Also I promise to shell out a lot of money for hookers and blow if somebody just makes sure a trampoline is at this party.
I know a girl who lost her index finger and thumb in a drunken fireworks accident, and 80% of my thoughts when she's around are about what it would be like for her to jerk me off.
I'd like to think she also had leathery wings and randomly bit people on the face with her mouth of glistening fangs. No lust like a bloodlust.
Would it have wagged? Could she have fucked other chicks with it? Would the space under it look puckered like a dog's tail? So many questions... for science.
It's not that rare. Like 1 in 500. In the US, it's almost always "taken care of" right after birth. Some people never know if their parents don't tell them. My dad delivered a few. Antonio Alfonseca, MLB pitcher for the Braves and others, had 12 fingers and 12 toes.
I know a guy that lost his thumb when an engine block fell on it. He said it cut it off cleanly and it didn't hurt... until an hour later.
It occurred to me today that I must live in one of the ugliest towns in America. I know I was all spoiled in Florida, but goddamn the women here are fucking hideous. Maybe 1/50 are attractive. And if we're talking hot, not just decent looking they just flat out don't exist here. I can't even remember the last time I saw a woman who was an 8 or higher. My sex life has been utterly non-existent since I moved here (about 5 months). Yeah, I think it's time to throw in the towel and try online dating.
I think they all migrated to the Twin Cities (Uptown in particular), and I am reminded of this every time I visit my southern Minnesota hometown. Seriously. But I am headed up to Duluth tonight so we'll see.