Seriously, who doesn't like AB? But god forbid I ever make any negative remarks about every time when she wants to watch The Real Whores of 'Insert City Here'.
The man loves guns. So it wasn't meant to be. (I do think his schtick on his show is kind of lame, still watch it and Iron Chef)
Jdoogs: Can't you just leave the room, or do you have a girl that forces you to watch bullshit like its the Ludovico Treatment? Somebody on here mentioned that. If I forced my wife to watch some of the shit I've seen, she'd be cradling herself in the corner, overcome with shock. She is somewhat squeamish.
Looking at the booby and booty threads, do you girls have any idea how hard it is not to hit on you? It's like, you're on here, so you're definitely not boring and you're pretty to boot. Yeah... I'm bored and norco is nice.
I've probably mentioned it here before because I'm whiny that way - I'm not a big fan of beer, but last year I tried a Leinenkugel lemon berry shandy and loved it. So naturally it was immediately cleared from all the shelves in my town and never to be seen again except by people who vaguely tell me they've seen it stocked somewhere. But I think I like your idea of making your own. I might get the summer shandy and just add something berryish to it. And vodka. Definitely liking that idea.
We had a beer rep come and let us sample his Curious Traveler shandy. It was divine. I highly recommend you try it.
Am I creepy? Sometimes I wonder. I try not to be. Mostly I'm high on pain medication. Am I a mod yet? WHEN I BECOME MOD I WILL FIX EVERYTHING AND GIVE EVERYONE HUGS. Even nerds, he could probably use it. Hope he doesn't unplug me. Oh look, I'm 1337.
It's not that she forces me to watch it. Our living room runs right to our kitchen without any impediment, so I'm technically already in another room? We definitely have an agreement where if I'm going to be watching anything that makes her excessively uncomfortable (Hannibal, The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, etc) I go down into the basement to watch that. Which is fine by me because that's where the big screen and the beer fridge are. In regards to the Shandy talk, if you can find it in your area, Harpoon just came out with a new version of their shandy that they make with grapefruit juice called Big Squeeze. The stuff is amazing if you're a fan of shandy. Nice citrus-y kick, but not overwhelming on the grapefruit taste.
Arsenal playing in the F.A. Cup final in about 2 and a half hours. I'm already wearing my Arsenal shirt. Going to be fantastic. I don't like Alton Brown - didn't get Good Eats here but I have seen a few Iron Chef Americas and he was annoying (the format of the show, like all competition reality cooking shows, is annoying though). Fuck reality TV. It's the Popov vodka of the drinks cabinet that is TV.
Good Eats is how I initially learned to cook. You're doing yourself a disservice if you judge him or Good Eats based on the crap that is the American Iron Chef.
There are WAY more fucking horrible assholes that have to do with food out there. Guy Fieri and his backwards sunglasses FUCK I want to hit him so much.
What bro'? You don't like Wasabi in everything? Guy is a master culinary artist. You know, if culinary artists were just restaurant managers who happened to win a TV show contest.
He makes finger food with expensive barbecue sauce on it and actual, real chefs with cooking talent have to clamour to climb up his ass. He should be working at O'Houlihan's.
Guy Ferrari is a doucheking, but god help me I don't hate him so much. He's pretty much the only Food Network host that knows how to talk to people. Listen to some of those other fucks talk. Lame, unfunny, douchy, trying so fucking hard to relate to middle aged sensibilities. Patronizing suck-ups. You can actually see the interviewee get irritated. Frosted Tips does the same shit, but he's nowhere near as bad as Aaron Sanchez, Guarnischelli, that fat Samoan that does Man Fire Food (God, I want to kick his teeth in), or Gus G. Those fuckers are pathetic. Aaron Sanchez is probably the worst. I'd love to see him set on fire crotch first. The amount of exposure that show brings to small businesses is astounding. Really, good for them. It might be the best show on Food TV, so think about that one. There's one restaurant downtown (Havana Hideout, Lake Worth) that is hands down one of the shittiest places in town. Crap food and overpriced kool aid they call sangria. People still go there because they heard Frosty went there 5 years ago.
Beer makes me ridiculously full and bloated so I can't drink very many. So during "beer" events I have to look for suitable substitutes. Last year was the shandy or summer beers. This year I have discovered Radlers. Toss is a shot of vodka, and you have yourself a party.
I'm a little surprised you didn't know about this stuff earlier. The Germans call it a Radler. Last night my girlfriend and I split a bottle of Brooklyn Sorachi Ace saison and she put a slice of lemon in hers. It was great. When you're feeling cheap just mix beer with lemonade and drop a shot of vodka in. I've got a bottle of lemon rind steeping in Everclear in the pantry, now I'm thinking I have some day drinking to do too. *Mya I don't know if it's sold there but Schell here in Minnesota makes a grapefruit radler called Shocked. My girlfriend loves it.
There is a Hop Fest that the husband wants to go to today. I am up for it, but here is my dilemma. It is $35 for a ticket with unlimited samplings. As I just mentioned, I can drink about 2 beers before I want something else. Do I go and (if this is allowed) forgo the ticket and drink water? Or do I drink my two $17.50 beers and soak up the atmosphere?
Well you can look at it as two whole beers or two dozen tiny beers, spaced apart over time too. Maybe you'll find a new one you love? I just like beer.
The beers are in 6-8 ounce sample cups, so you can actually have 4 before you get bloated. Also, the amount of time waiting in line will help you digest them in between samplings. Plus, they probably have stuff you won't get normally. The best part is how nauseated you get when you mix 10 different styles of beer in no particular order. Stout, wheat, porter, stout in 85F heat is good times. I went to one a few years ago. The Pabst tent had their shit together and you had to wait in line a solid 30 seconds. Everywhere else was a clusterfuck. So for my $30 I got shit housed on PBR and Colt 45 while waiting in line for the good stuff (which they ran out of quickly).