Who, who, and kinda-who? Oh, I remember why I don't remember them. Because they must have been popular just in YOUR country. Just because we're geographically below you doesn't mean you can shit on us. Get back to stampeding. Yourselves. Into the perma-frost.
One thing Canada puts out well is quality television. The Littlest Hobo, Wojeck, The Beachcombers, Danger Bay, King Of Kensington.... all that wipes its ass with HBO.
I'll do the jokes, okay? I'm probably the only person from my country who has heard of them. Relax, you're wirey without your Vicodin.
I hit them with a weed burner before I use them. Love that thing. Makes lighting the charcoal so much easier.
There are two robins' nests outside my back door and all night the two males guarding the best bicker at each other in some horrible bird-language. Lord knows what they're saying... BIRD 1: "Hey, ROBINSON!!! You mind turning off the porch light, the kids are trying to sleep!!" BIRD 2: Hey, Shut-up-a-yo-face!! I'm a bird, I don't control indoor light switches!!!" Meanwhile the females sit on their babies, filing their nails and rolling their eyes wondering how they got hooked up with these lunatics. One of them has even been eye-fucking the cute finch boy who moved into the Maple Tree and always works out with the best windows open.
Well this is going to be awesome: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.vanityfair.com/vf-hollywood/jessica-chastain-true-detective-season-2" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.vanityfair.com/vf-hollywood/ ... e-season-2</a> The headline is pretty misleading. She hasnt officially been offered anything, but it would be a great fit after her performance in Zero Dark Thirty.
First, if by 'awesome' you mean 'potentially disastrous,' then yes. Awesome. Her performance in Zero, like everything else about that abomination of a movie, sucked. I've seen her in other things, and she's been perfectly fine, but that movie is one of the most overrated films of that year. To be fair, I was VERY hesitant about McC when I first heard about True Detective, and thought Harrelson would be great - which he was (but I think Harrelson is underrated in general, probably because he's taken quite a few lousy/bomb roles over the years) - but I was pleasantly surprised (and frankly shocked) at just how good both of them were. I'll certainly give the second season a chance, because the writing was that good in the first season, but I'm hardly excited about her as a lead.
As a public service I'm going to post this link one more time. Be sure to read the reviews. http://store.doyourownpestcontrol.com/cyonara-9-7-insecticide I use this one and the Cyper WP from the same company. The Cyper leaves a visible residue so the Cyonara is better inside. By the way, how have you been sleeping?
I love browsing the CraigsList musician classifieds here in Nashville. The saturation of the market leads to some real desperate, or fully insane, postings. Crown, this might be a good way to advertise your DJ services - work in the Freemason Conspiracy angle. Spoilered for size. Spoiler WALTER BONIN IS A VICTIM OF RICO ACT/GEORGE STRAIT CONSPIRACY PUBLIC NOTICE: Please be advised that I, Walter Bonin who is a country songwriter from Louisiana has been a victim of an on-going RICO Act conspiracy whereby, country music singer - George Harvey Strait along with his manager - Erv Woolsey (corrupt/evil Freemason) has been paying off corrupt/evil government agents for Lafayette, Louisiana along with Nashville, Tennessee such as FBI Chief Garland Jean Batiste, US Marshal Chief Keith Savioe, USMD Ed Comeaux, Judge Michael Hill, Sgt. Glen Bienvenue, E. Melacon, Deputy Walter Lee, Special Agent Alicia, Special Agent Tina, Special Agent Jesse, Sgt. Marcus Guidry, Jason Boudreaux among others. All parties are acting under and associations-in-fact under the association-in-fact enterprise - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. whereby government entities/informants - Kiley Joseph Latiolais, Crystal Savoie Latiolais, Ronald James Boutte among others are engaging in a RICO Act conspiracy against Walter Bonin. Everything in regards to Bonin's cases dealing with George Strait was bogus and done illegally by the corrupt law who took matters in their own hands especially the US Marshals of Lafayette, LA. Walter Bonin was civilly commited illegally by three federal judges in the Western District of Lousiana who were all paid by George Strait and Erv Woolsey. At first the corrupt government agents were getting paid small amounts to engage in several thousand crimes against Walter Bonin but later down the years, the corrupt government agents were money hungry and demanded more money from George Strait and Erv Woolsey and they both paid the agents off handsomely as they wanted. George Strait, Norma Strait, Erv Woolsey, Connie Woolsey, Anita O'Brien, Danny O'Brien, Denise Strait and Kara Strait Streva are far from being saints infact, they all are involved in an on-going RICO Act conspiracty against Walter Bonin and they all knowingly and willingly are taking part as if they can do no wrong yet they all are hardcore criminals beyond a shadow of a doubt. I mean the hardcore evidence speaks for itself. If you'd like to listen to some song demos that Walter Bonin wrote then please check out Reverb Nation <a class="postlink" href="http://www.reverbnation.com/walterbonincountrysongwriter" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.reverbnation.com/walterbonin ... songwriter</a> Everything involved in Walter Bonin's cases dealing with George Strait was done by entrapment and under the color of law of entrapment all criminal charges have to be dismissed but they never were so that proves how sick and corrupt George Strait really is! George Strait is far from being a saint in Walter Bonin's eyes. Then when Walter Bonin was illegally sent to FMC-Rochester, MN, government snitch/informant Charles "Chuck" Hall knowingly and willingly did attempt to murder Walter Bonin by stabbing him in the head with an ink pen and choking him to dealth. Later Walter Bonin discovered that the doctors at FMC-Rochester along with his entire medical team were involved in the plot to have him murdered. Another attempted murder plot was done by government informants/entites/associations-in-fact - Kiley Joseph Latiolais, Shane Richard and Early Boudreaux whereby, Shane Richard beat the hell outta Walter Bonin while Early Boudreaux put a knife blade to his neck and threatened to kill him if he didn't stop chasing his songwriter's dream with George Strait. Later Walter Bonin filed a police report against said criminals at Iberia Parish Sheriff's Department in New Iberia, Louisiana whereby, Sgt. Mark Thiboudreaux filed the police report and took pictures of the browses, Mark repeatly suggested that Walter Bonin press charges on said criminals but he didn't at the time but is more than willing now pursuant to RICO Act. Female country music singer - Kristy Lee Cook's (Freemason) parents - Larry & Carline Cook, manager - Shawn at Broken Bow Records and body guard - Tyson Diggs are heavily involved in the RICO Act conspiracy against Walter Bonin too.
I think I'm going to get that actually. Sleeping great. But that's because I slept on my shoulder wrong and took a muscle relaxer last night. So I slept like a baby. Seriously, I'm allowed to take those things three times a day. Yeah, if I want to be comatose. Oh, wait, that was sarcasm right? I've been debating switching jobs. I got an email today about a job opportunity for our division of USA Swimming. I think I'm going to apply for it. Travel involved, which I'm actually kind of excited about.
What a rambling load of bullshit that was. Everybody knows the Freemasons don't do that shit. No, this is of course the work of The Lizard People who are in cahoots with the Government-- which does not actually consist of a single human being but are actually horrible, horrible robots disguised like fat, rich white people and want to syphon off our body energy and THEN rule the country-western songwriting industry. Besides, I can't attack the Freemasons. I actually play music at some of their charity functions here in town and they're the kindest, most polite customers I can think of. How about the Shriners? What are they hiding under those silly hats? I'll tell you what they're hiding: BRAIN SLUGS.
I can't believe I get to use this already! Seriously, who made their dog do that? I laugh every time. Doesn't matter what the saying. I think I'm doing wing night tonight. The friend I'm going with says she doesn't like wings. I asked why. She said she doesn't like meat on the bone. I said now I know why she wants to go to the lesbian bars. I amuse myself.
Yeah, I'm all for 'live and let live' but some motherfuckers are just beggin' to die. That woman clearly is crying for help. By 'help' I mean an axe to the face. Holy shit, that might be more disturbing than the footage of the Hindenburg.