Clearly TX is posting to TiB from her phone while watching Asian boobs get rubbed on her, and she refuses to simply take a photo and upload that here. Sad.
My siblings are engaging in who has the cutest baby battle. My brothers kids were born roughly a year ago, my sisters roughly 3 weeks ago. I now get daily pictures from both on the same mass text of their kids. Do they realize I don't really give a fuck what cute outfit they wore today? Or are they so self-absorbed they feel a need to display how amazing their child(s) are? When my nieces get older I'm all for interacting with them and being super involved. But until they can crap on their own and do things beyond crying and and saying inaudible babble, I'm just not that interested
I just heard my mom say "grandpa gave you a good pounding, didn't he?". To be fair, she was referencing burping a kid but Jesus Christ. I'm going to need liquor to forget the image it conjured.
There are too many people out there, nowadays especially, who think being a parent elevates them to some higher status and they permit this delusion that their kid triumphs over every single other child. It's fine to think your kid is the best, why WOULDN'T you in some way feel that? But when you start believing it, and constantly advertising it,'re a dink. There IS kid out there cuter than yours. Smarter than yours. Can read the Harry Potter series faster than yours or has banged more of their teachers than yours. These people who turn their living rooms into creepy photomosaic shrines all in salute to their crotchfruit freak me out. There is a difference between raising your kids and stalking them.
Isn't child worship some sort of cultural phenomenon now? I've heard the phrase a few times and it really seems to have some kernel of truth to it. Back in Victorian days kids were little adults to be seen but not heard. Now we people put every drawing, medal, crap on the fridge and those parents advertise those accomplishments to their friends as some sort of personal achievement. "My child speaks fluent Mandarin at 5, well my child went sky diving with Navy SEALs during summer camp..." its insane I see it during hockey too. If some kid makes AA the parents feel some sort of achievement and more than a few advertise that with a sense of superiority to their friends
I think a big part of it is that these people are incredibly dull and unfulfilled. If you manage to get them to stop talking about their kids, they have absolutely nothing else to talk about because they've got nothing going on in their lives. It is astounding how utterly uninteresting most of the middle class is.
You have a response and a quote for everything but in this you're just quite wrong. Letterman took on the mantle of Allen and Carson and made it his own. You might not be able to see it now but late night is going to fade into banal pleasantries and ass kissing. Late night will become an extension of reality TV. Letterman was his own man through it all and didn't bow down when they made Leno Carson's heir and refused to make the show the higher ups probably wanted him to make. You can not find him funny but I think you have to respect him for doing the show that he wanted to do. And I think it's a testament to him that so many stars want to be a part of him saying goodbye. Late night will definitely be a different animal with out him.
The people that Crown, Clutch, and Toddamus are talking about are all parents who are living vicariously. I get it, I guess. If you never did shit in your life, you SHOULD hope that your cracker ass offspring does better. But it makes me sad, for unfulfilled potential, and also for dumb people that don't know better.
You are at your peak. 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything. OF COURSE you can drink twice as much! Also, your tits are ageless. You have a fanclub here, don't be selfish with the goodies.
One of my sisters is due in a couple of weeks and bursting with excitement. Hell, all of us are- I'm gonna be an uncle! Thankfully she's kept to blowing up my girlfriend's phone with endless baby talk and not mine because she knows I'm not into it. But my high school classmate who just posted on Facebook about her baby finally shitting after five days?