I wonder if it's every bit as as disgusting as it looks and sounds. How in the fuck did Denny's not think of that first?
I should hope so. Denny's mission is the kill every single human being that steps foot on their property by feeding them the food they sell. This seems like big "yes" for them.
The Fresno Grizzlies minor league baseball team brings you The Chickle: the "chickle" is a pickle sliced lengthwise and then stuffed with Nashville-style hot chicken
Good God. I love all of those foods separately...but together? Get the fuck out. That's some nastiness, even to a preg chick who eats all kinds of munchies.
Minor baseball has upped their game. People don't want to watch baseball? No problem, bring in amazing food, cheap beer, and a good vibe. ....Come to think of it, I think minor league baseball has always done this maybe I'm just getting to the age where I can appreciate going to minor games and enjoy it as much if not just a little less than the big league
They should just call them 'Trump Turds'. With the amount of fake tanning chemicals and Mar-a-lago easy mac in him, it's a totally viable marketing campaign that pulls at the heart strings of their primary demographic.
I actually prefer minor league games. The stadiums are smaller so there are no bad seats, you can actually see the game and the butts. Everyone's more relaxed and just wants to have a good time, unlike at the major league games where there are always angry fans being VERY PASSIONATE and YELLY about what's happening and it gets very tense. Plus I love the dorky themes. Both the team I'd go see growing up and the Brooklyn team have an annual Bark in the Park night where people bring their dogs and it's THE BEST. I already have tickets to a game later this summer that's League of Their Own night where I'm going to get me a Rockford Peaches hat. It's just all incredibly charming. The Brooklyn team's stadium is in Coney Island right on the beach. You spend the day at the beach, you eat fried clams for lunch and a Nathan's hot dog for dinner at the stadium, watch the roller coasters down the way in the background, you see some fireworks after the game, then you go back to the boardwalk for a drink. Perfection.
You mean photobombing? Dropping f-bombs? Ripping mad farts? Can you elaborate, please? In other news, Jungle Julia and I are moving down the psychedelic pathway to mushrooms. This should be a fun night.
Like, some assholes showed up with nail bombs to a concert filled with kids. There are a lot of fatalities. There's also reports coming out of a gunman near a hospital. This world is terrifying sometimes.
This is some fucked up shit. At least 19 dead and 50 so wounded at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England. Ariana Grande is Disney pop, right? No es bueno. I really hope they're not testing Trump. http://www.rollingstone.com/music/n...rt-ends-in-emergency-after-explosions-w483720