I've been stuck on road rage vids for the last week. The whole world needs a great big shot of Haldol.
The "public freakout" videos are amusing to me largely because I never, EVER see fat pathetic trash behaving that way in person. And I feel robbed that I don't. I WANT to encounter one of these fucks. The other funny ones are the video game tantrum videos. Nothing-- NOTHING-- brings out a more impossibly juvenile, primal rage than losing at a video game. People are willing to smash a 50" TV because they refuse to account for their lack of hand-eye coordination. It's so friggin' hilarious.
I think this is more "Death to Westerners" than testing Trump. The UK isn't immune to the same sort of anti-Western sentiment the US receives. Brexit probably doesn't help. Haven't seen any groups claim responsibility yet. Part of me hopes its some lone wolf piece of shit, but radical Islamic shitheads have never been above using children as pawns to further their mission.
I wish it was one POS too but it wasn't. The youngest victim, so far, is an 8 year old girl. Correction, little girl. 22 dead and 59+ injured at this point. That's some sick shit to target a venue that was full of kids and teenyboppers. I don't even know how to process it. My heart goes out to the victims and their families though.
Fidget Spinners pffffffft lame faggotry. Do kids these days even know what a gyroscope is capable of?
Maybe I'm not following the incident you're talking about, but if it's the Arianna Grande bombing, literally every news outlet covering this has a story about ISIS claiming it. ETA: I posted that from my phone, and when I got back to my office, I checked some of the websites that previously were identifying ISIS claiming it - the Google description links still have "ISIS claiming credit" in the title, but now the articles have been edited. Apparently, inconsistency in ISIS's claims and police reports. Carry on.
I'm seeing people posting collages of pictures of the Manchester victims where some have those stupid Snapchat filters. I have few other principles, but I'll be goddamned sure that nobody is ever going to memorialize me warped into a cartoon dog.
Would you be alright if a pseudo-journalist used yesterday's slaughtered youth to pimp their social justice platform? http://amp.slate.com/blogs/xx_facto...a_grande_show_was_an_attack_on_girls_and.html Educate yourselves, shitlords.
You know I had a theory, which I assume others have had before, that Demolition Man was set on a post apocalyptic California island. Maybe Dr Raymond Cocteau is just a SJW blogger living among us right now!?!!!!!?!
So it's a Utopia while the rest of the World has remained the horrid and bleak squalor that was 1996? That means out in Mad Max country you don't need to figure out the three sea shells. And the "Auto-Mag" rifle is still in play. That's most definitely my boggle, sign me up for Thunderdome bitches.