So the collage of Manchester victims that people have been referencing here is fake. I just don't get it. I don't get the impulse to do some kind of hoax as your immediate reaction to a tragedy. Obviously creating a fake collage of victims is nowhere close to something like the Sandy Hook truthers - which is, in my opinion, one of the most despicable things ever and I still cannot believe that Alex Jones not only still has a platform to spread his toxic bullshit but also the favor of the president - but it being such a weirdly mundane thing is almost bothering me more. At least when someone conjures up a conspiracy theory it's probably somewhat rooted in a psychological compulsion to try and make sense of something so horrible in a way that's more comforting to you than the truth, but just imagining some 4chan loser making a collage of YouTube personalities to trick people who are sad and scared and angry into spreading it around just for fun makes my skin crawl.
Knockouts. UFC, football, hockey, street fights, anything. It's amazing how the body can just shut down from one hit like that.
Efukts new relatively tame take on cringeworthy porn: Pure awesome The girl ventriloquist that raps Little John songs and kids tunes needs her own Netflix show. Also Dike Club looks great too. Spoiler
I am so sorry I clicked one of those links. Even sorrier I clicked both. Unrelated: Adults can count Poptarts as breakfast too right?
The one time I got sucker punched and knocked out by another human being I was out cold on the ground, I'm told. Everyone was drunk so I get differing opinions on how long. It was long enough for the person that hit me to leave the party. Then they said I got up like it never happened, like a switch came on, and I was ready to fight just about anything. I didn't lay there, dazed. I remember the punch and I remember scrambling back to my feet, nothing in between. I worked for a rock company for 2 days, we were hanging rock on the side of a new house. I got hit in the head by one that fell from the scaffolding. I went down to one knee then sat down. I never went out cold but was dazed as hell from that.
Yeah it does. Fear not people Im not going to drop Allord or 'he that shan't be named' videos on you.
You know how you pick nose, and then roll the booger around between your fingers, and then fling it towards the trash can? How come sometimes it bounces and sometimes it sticks to the trash can?
Oh, you mock, but I am not afraid to ask the tough questions. And, for the record, I have never eaten one of my own boogers.
Its so nice to be back in San Diego. So nice to see the family dog, my dad and my twin. I would also debate that SD has a top 5 food scene in the country. Everytime I come back I'm blown away at how many good options there are and the variety.
So hot or not. This is the Fox 5 weather girl out here. I'm thinking this is a case of plastic surgery gone too far
NOT. She ain't got nothin' on any of the Mexican weathergirls. Any of them. I'd post pictures, but I'm in a hurry.
*puts on old man grouchy pants * Why? Why ask, why care, why even post that? That paste-eating tool thinks he's a genius and wants all the attention mommy and daddy never gave him. I'd gladly give up this board, my MLB app and instant weather forecasts, which are always wrong anyway, if the internet just went away and we didn't have to be subjected to fools like this and all of the other ignorant conspiracy, uniformed idiots circle jerking to their moronic theories on everything from the moon landing to Newtown to 9/11 to vaccines to the Illuminati to Obama.
It's easy. Just ignore them. Or tell them to STFU and then ignore them. Too many people give too much of a shit what other people do or say.