Oh look, another paper due by midnight! So glad I get to do another research paper instead of going out on the lake with my family. Also, something I will never understand is why some of these athletes with ridiculous talent and huge contracts still do stupid shit to put it all in jeopardy.
It's not like they don't have value if all goes wrong. You can always take them to the glue factory. If it's a girl you could could take it to Pats or Genos in Philadelphia and get a hefty profit for the meat.
Old school. I like. We used to have a glue factory up near here years ago in Owen Sound. Word is you could buy a bottle of Northern Dancer for a grand. There's nothing like gluing your kid's bristol board science project together with a Triple Crown winner.
Hey, at least I didn't pull the "do you even have kids" card. And did you...compare me to winterbike? It's on! I seem to be on a roll misinterpreting posts this weekend. One more and I'll have a trifecta.
I made some mint infused simple syrup for my mint juleps. The first one is now in front of me. I made it with Makers Mark in case you were curious. I have a big floppy hat that I stole from my wife's closet also. No matter what horse wins it is going to be a good day.
I didn't know today was the derby, I shall def have to have a mint julep. I've had mint plants do okay and eventually die. I realized a few months ago that one of my problems was that I was grabbing a whole stalk instead of picking the leaves off directly whenever I would harvest some for my drinks. I bought a new plant and kept it in the house by a window, watering it occasionally and only taking the leaves off. Then I transferred it to my deck pot after the last frost. It is growing like gangbusters now. I've never had one produce that much before. It started out as one of those little pots you get at the grocery store that have like 5 stems to a cell. Spoiler
The better and deeper the soil the better the plant. It you buy nutrients to put in the watering can it explodes like fireworks. People like to put several plants in a pot but they won't grow well. They fight each other for sunlight and the roots tangle and choke each other. I just have dozens of pots instead.
Honey, just give it a space to take over. Mint loves it under the water spigot out back.....it will grow and grow, and you can mow it back in to place. On harvesting, just pull the leaves that you need, and wash them well. Wonderful!
'Twas a great run for the roses this year. California Chrome was a no doubt winner. I also made some oven fried chicken. And I am half of a bottle of makers mark deep into my mint julep extravaganza. I am hoping the sugar water keeps me hydrated as I am going to the Cincinnati Reds game tomorrow for Star Wars day (May the 4th be with you) and I have 0 interest in being hung over for it. Damn it why do I like booze so much.
Judging from the lack of discourse, I take everyone else must have had someone other than California Chrome?
I firmly believe that it should be perfectly legal to suspend your child by the ankles and use them as a speed bag if they wake you up at 6:30. It just seems reasonable.
I can tell nettdaddy's been hard at work. All the threads load super fast now, even on my tablet. Did y'all notice how slow it was, and how it would sometimes go to the wrong page on a long thread?
Whoever the person who thought no air conditioning at a packed 3-hour dance recital would be a good idea should have to wear a speedo made of poison oak.
So. Hungover. But it is getting better - aspirin, shower, coffee, a little nosh, and some Postsecret. The "jump to the wrong page" thing happened for me a lot when I clicked on the source of reps in a drunk thread.
Shegirl cleaned up some stuff too-- notice how Nitwit isn't here anymore. Probably saved some bandwidth.
I'm never eating red velvet anything again, and especially not when I had mixed vegetables with corner earlier either. I took a shit and it looked like a beaten up pealed grapefruit. The kernels were dyed red, looked like I shit my appendix. Fucking scary as hell. Never again, never again. Thank god there was Google telling me our bodies don't process the dye and it goes right through our system. Jesus, scariest thing.