Summoning Parker to the red courtesy phone, Parker to the red courtesy phone. I've never really listened to what he had to say cause I can't stand the sound of his voice.
I may be in the minority, but I find him a hell of a lot funnier than Jimmy Kimmel. It boggles my mind how that guy has a show.
I quite enjoy listening to the various Carolla podcasts. Does that mean I subscribe to everything he has to say? No. Do I find that he's got some valid and somewhat refreshing points on things? Yep.
That's because Jimmy Kimmel is fairly vanilla, like Leno. I think Carolla can be pretty hilarious in the right context. Loveline? Not so much, but his books are fairly sharp and quick witted.
So the girl I share an office with is super hot and her skirts get shorter by the day. This is going to be a good job. Course I know the CEO is going to come by and think it is inappropriate, and make her wear amish attire. But, I learned how to tie a double windsor knot today. I am getting classier by the day motherfuckers.
I assume his books are just his usual rants or observations put to page. That Chevy Van podcast I linked was probably his best with Dr Drew most of that show is just him ranting about California Libs and it isn't too great. I follow his main podcast religiously. I too am not a huge fan of Kimmel's late night show. The celebrities read mean tweets is a funny bit and he has mastered new media better than any of the late night host but late night isn't a format I really get into anymore. Jimmy Fallon is fucking TERRIBLE.
Jimmy Fallon has skit ideas and nothing else, but writers come up with those ideas. He's a fucking cancer, I have never liked him since day one. Who actually pushed this guy into the position he's in? You know, the guy who ruined every SNL skit he was in with his untalented faggotry?
I never understood how Fallon could break character and laugh at so many of his own jokes that he's rehearsed before. Either he's a narcissist or it's an act.
The man can't keep a straight face for shit, almost any scene he shared with Farrell he was constantly laughing, I don't know one person who watches his show.
So, there was a gentleman on the train tonight named Tony Maqaroni, and he had a lot to say. One of the topics of his speech was that he wanted to share his advice on how to tell if your man's a bozo, and I figured I'd share it with the ladies of the board so that they can use it to accurately identify whether or not their man is a bozo. 1. If they don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom, they're a bozo. 2. If they don't walk with you on the inside of the street, hold open doors, and pull out your chair....they're a bozo. 3. If they have you in their bed, and leave you to go take a dump, and get back into bed with you without taking a shower, they're a bozo. You're welcome.
Examples? Not like, "prove it, asshole" examples. But I'm always willing to give things a fair shake.
Yeaahhhhh buddy. As for Carolla, he has a great way of weaving common sense issues with comedy and He does 90 minute stand up shows, completely sold out without prepping any material.
Nice of you to let Sack borrow your account for awhile. As far as I can tell, Fallon is a really good dude who everyone really likes and is "young and hip" without alienating the older crowd. I think Conan is hysterical, but his humor didn't resonate with a broader audience. Fallon is a big safer and vanilla, like was mentioned, so it makes sense. Also, if you think he has no creative control or input over those skits, you're a bit short sighted. I don't watch his show, I'm not really a late night guy. But his guest lineup is pretty star studded, his musical guests are usually superb, and every other week or so, one of his skits is good enough that it goes viral. Beats the hell out of Leno or Letterman's tired routines. Kimmel is whatever, and I haven't paid attention in awhile, but he used to have AWESOME people booking his musical acts.
I think Fallon is 100% obnoxious and will never know why he has an audience at all. Ferguson and O'Brien are so much funnier, quicker and their humour is very out-of-left-field. Of course, Conan an acquired taste, and I understand why he has haters. I doubt many people dislike Scottish Craig, though. I find him all-around appealing.
Just because someone makes a shitty cast member on SNL does not mean that translates poorly to late night talk/variety shows. I hated Fallon on SNL and thought he ruined every skit because he thought he was funny enough to laugh through every sketch and get away with it. Now that he's scripted and has good guests, he will be fine. I think he is better at hosting the tonight show. Someone who is failing hard at late night but did great on SNL is Seth Meyers. His show is just plain awkward.
As far as Fallon goes, have to agree with you. I never particularly found him funny on SNL, and the few times I've caught his show (because my wife was watching) I was overcome with a sense of the 'mehs.' I part company with you at Conan, I've never found him even potentially funny. I don't know what it is, but he does nothing for me at all. Ferguson I like quite a bit, I guess his brand of humor hits home for me. Now, to be fair, I'm fucking old, so I got to see Carson growing up, and he was the King for a reason. I also liked Letterman quite a bit, especially in his earlier angrier days. Now he's a bit more of a curmudgeon, which is fine, I still think he's pretty good, but this may all be a function of changes in my personality than changes in anyone else's brand of humor. Edit: Forgot about Myers. There's a reason for this.