I just had Kava. It is a root (100% legal) that is supposed to mimic Redbull, but be all natural. Ex-junkies LOVE it. Same numbing effects as cocaine. It has nauseated the ever living fuck out of me. I have puked up god knows what, about to shit my pants, and above all it tasted like clay. The effects? I got shaky and numb. Wonderful. Totes worth it. Holy fuck my stomach is roiling. Why would anyone do this?!
Palm Beach County is apparently the #1 destination for rehab. So we have several kava bars. Shit is expensive too. Like $20 a glass. Got mine free for a tip because my friend's roommate is a massive ex-junkie and practically lives at this place. Why can't I have a hook-up at a rooftop bar or with a prostitute with 4 tits? Good God this is miserable. Feels like I've been chugging tequila. Worst part, they flavored it with butterscotch syrup so everything tastes like fake butterscotch.
When my BIL went on his honey moon he had some Kava in Fiji and really got into it. Little did he know its like the worst thing imaginable for his liver. So the buzz may not be good, but apparently the cirrhosis is.
I've had Fijian friends make this shit for me and either it does nothing for me or I wasn't getting the good shit. It did taste like dirty dishwater though so at least that bit was realistic.
I went on OKC for the first time in a while yesterday. I saw a girl I really liked, but felt some hardcore anxiety about messaging her. It's why I stopped going on there. I've been rejected so much and have some truly soul crushing rejections that I actually developed anxiety over sending messages on the fucking internet. But I liked her so I pushed through it and sent her this: Spoiler She read it and didn't respond. Didn't even bother visiting my profile. I know this is a dumb thing to be bummed about, but I can't help it at this point. I'm so tired and so fucking lonely. It seems like I'm just not good enough. Like I'm just broken. I'll probably get yelled by a certain poster, but I just needed to tell someone and I have to much family on facebook to post it there.
I use online dating sites all the time for hookups man. Rule 1 of online dating is don't fall in love with a profile. You would have been better off sending just the last two sentences of that message. She probably saw you sent a novel and didn't even read the first sentence after opening the message. Not that those last two sentences would have been a good message by any means, but better than what you sent. Fact of the matter is there are way more men than women in the online dating pool. When it comes to online dating it's really just a meat market of male suitors for women and a numbers game of sending out enough messages for men. The majority of women will just go out with the best looking guy who sent them a non-rapey message at the time. I'm sorry for what you're going through but those sites are a means to an end and that end is just meeting new people.
Why did you mention the previous rejections? I don't know if that was supposed to be self-deprecating but half of that message wallowed in self-pity. I would recommend dropping the bullshit pity party going forward. Are you looking for a pity fuck? Because that's all you're getting with that message. Sack up and sell yourself, no one likes low self esteem. I know it's hard when you're on the downward spiral, I've been there. But you HAVE to pull yourself together man. One of my old college buddies is quadriplegic with MD, and has been rejected more times than most guys, but you can't tell that by his attitude. And yes, he gets laid and he looks like he's 12. If rejection doesn't really bother you, then stop talking to women about it and embrace it. The more you get rejected, the less it'll bother you.
That's just how it came out, honesty is all I was going for. It's not just about sacking up, it's not about "selling" yourself. I try and I'm going to keep trying, but I'm just tired. That's all. Happier more confident messages don't make the results any different. And rejection didn't bother me until I got a few where they really fucked with my head. The confidence I did have is just not there right now and it hasn't been there in a while. So yeah, I recognize how I sound right now and I don't like it either. But when you keep getting knocked down and getting back up, you start to question what the point of getting back up is and that's just where I am at the moment.
There's honesty and then there's marketing. Online dating is marketing. It's a thirty second chance that you get to make an impression on someone, and you want that impression to be good. Don't be dishonest (like every other idiot on OKC) but don't lay all your shit bare on the first message either. Do you think Nike would have sold a single shoe EVER if their marketing slogan was "we're overpriced and made in sweatshops, but once all the cool kids in school are wearing us, you'll be a social pariah if you don't follow suit."?
Let's move this convo to the Advice Board. Wheelz has put up a thread over there. The WDT isn't really the venue for it.
At what ducking age do children process that in a few minutes means "let me finish what I'm doing and don't bug me every five seconds or I might punt you down the nearest convent flight of stairs" because it dawn sure isn't six.
Yea, I see your problem. Time for kids is different than time for adults. Things seem to move much more slowly for them, so a few minutes is really like an hour to them. So next time say in an hour and see what happens, they may wait a few minutes.