I think they said that as a function of his music career when his voice started to change, not as a result of being an unrepentant asshat in all facets outside of the music. More likely than him flaming out will be him getting the ever-living shit kicked out of him, which would be tremendous.
You'd have to be nuts to fight Bieber. Haven't you seen how tough he is picking fights over the shoulders of his bodyguards? What an animal.
Re: He's an artist, man This and he works in an industry that is gay heavy and very gay friendly. Baldwin sticks his own foot in his mouth every 6 months or so on the topic like Jonah Hill but like the Biebs he's become known for odd shitty behavior, so it's kind of par for the course, and he's super left leaning and vocal about it. I don't think Jonah Hill has either going for him.
I'm just going to put this here: Chevy Van video I'm pretty sure this isn't as funny as I think it is but I about died laughing.
You missed out on that day Oprah stopped by and gave us all free cars, then we went down to the corner store and got blowjobs at the gloryhole (even funball, especially funball), then we all dropped acid and went to Toronto for a long weekend. Good times.
Sack Attack 'sack has some sort of alert set up. The phrase Jew Camp was typed on TiB three times, and all of a sudden he's back. Shouldn't you be ballsack5.0 now?
Read a little and vote then. This is up for debate right now. And it's about time you showed yourself.
I just had a patient who was 5'4 360 lbs. I made her x-ray exam more difficult on her because I'm mad that she's so fat and claims to have "no idea why her knees hurt so bad". That makes me a bad person, right?
C saw Well, it's not that funny to me. But, it does have one awesome scene. And, it's perfect for use as your new avatar.
Re: * has shared a video with you! That really will never go away will it? Kinda like the burning of my retinas as a result of the 1.2 seconds I saw of it.
Adam Carolla is so fucking stupid it makes my head hurt. How has that guy had like 3 shows and two best-selling books?