My mom just left me a voicemail while I was on the phone with a client. Obviously, it must be important since she couldn't wait and call me tonight. "I don't know what to do. I keep getting these emails. This one says 'What's up hottie? I saw you on a singles site.' I clicked on report it as spam, but I don't know what to do. They even left a phone number. I'm writing the number down." I don't even. Just what Kayne's ego needed is an honorary doctorate.
Well I have a four day weekend coming up and tonight is full of paella and an excellent baco noir from Prince Edward County. Not a terribly bad evening, altogether.
You can, but if you did drink it I'd pay $11 for you to live-post the consequences. I'll also take bets on how many ounces of the "scotch" you'd have to drink before you accidentally caused irreparable physical harm to yourself. I'll put the over/under at 6 oz. (two solid rocks glasses). But only because you're a pro.
I'll be honest, I went to the liquor store to buy a fifth of Johnnie Walker, but I saw a 1L bottle of Lauder's for $11 and said to myself, "This is a perfect metaphor for my life right now." I'm not kidding, I said that to myself out loud.
I'm not sure when this happened. But, KFC has either changed the design or is outsourcing production of their spork. It's inferior to the previous model and I'm not sure what I should do about it.
Pass that bottle of scotch if you will- I could use a pull. A roommate came home hammered drunk with his buddies at 2 am last night and barged into my room yelling. I'd laugh it off if it were on a weekend night but not the night before I have sales demos to do with my boss. We'll see if he remembers it today. Not gonna miss that stupid shit. Be sure to strip down and cover yourself in gravy first, so they know you're serious. Usually works for me.
Sadly, the new one is so flimsy, I think I'll just have gouge out their eyes like a melon baller instead. That's a good tip. I was thinking of just flinging mash potatoes as if they were monkey feces, but the gravy may help.
Sounds like quite the hardship. I recommend commiserating over it with Clutch and his $11 scotch. I'm sure he understands.