Re: Versit, Virgin, whatever Don't worry Rush, someday you'll meet a girl who doesn't care about looks. Spoiler We keep the decongestant medicine behind the counter at the pharmacy since, well, it's the law, and we don't want all the meth heads buying it in bulk to make meth. Anyway, this lady wanted to buy it one time and I asked her what kind. She said Mucinex-D. I responded with, "yeah, I like the D." It's one of those times where you hear the words coming out of your mouth but it's way too late to suck them back in. Luckily, she was probably in her 60s or so and had no idea of the double entendre. But the guy in line behind her that smirked when I said it sure did. A step by step guide to pimpin. Can't believe there are over 3000 members on that forum.
You want to be a pimp Chellie? I ran for the first time today. I didn't suck and it didn't hurt! Threw in some weights for good measure. Take that 5 weeks of inactivity! You know when you hand something to someone and you hold it extra tight so that it slips through their hands the first time? That never seems to get old.
Every cretin needs a club. And away we go: I wonder if any of their 3000 members know how easy it is to pull a rambling piece of grade eight English shit like this out of their ass? This sounds like every lying braggart douchebag asshole I met in a Toronto club. Maybe its a creative writing site for the brain damaged.
Chalk up another guy being nervous around kids. For some reason kids are just real uneasy around me and I can't figure out why. Maybe because I'm way bigger and have bass to my voice, but for they most part they won't come near me and always stare at me the way only little kids and crazy folks can get away with. My cousins four year old daughter will leave the room if I'm there and I've never once done anything to cause that kind of behavior. Even though I'm used to kids shunning me, the thing that fucked with me the most happened last week. And old Navy friend of mine is changing duty stations and was making his was through town and him, his wife, and his two year old kid stopped in. The guy is like family and he's made jokes I must have banged his wife because the kid looks so much like me. That kid loved the shit out of me and when they went to leave, he gave me a hug and told me goodbye. I have never held a two year old, or any kid or baby for that matter, so I'm not accustomed to having a miniature person that close to me. I don't know, just felt extremely strange and I gave him back to my friend pretty quick after that.
Re: Versit, Virgin, whatever Pff, I wish I looked that good. I'm just saying that I think the business world could have a better term than Vcard. And, I'm also saying that I think it would have wrong to nail that chick in the middle of the day at the job site. And I'm also saying I had no chance with her. Also, funball, I don't think there's anything wrong with you saying you like the D. You do like the D.
Re: Versit, Virgin, whatever But at work? To a 60 year old lady? There's a time and place for that you know. iczorro, you're going to want to see this: Spoiler
Funny thing, I don't find daddy longlegs nearly as creepy as spiders. They're one of few insects that don't bother me.
One of the few? How are you scared of insects? Do you run down the street wailing if you see a mosquito? Be a man, I am only scared of bot fly larvae. NSFCMC
There isn't much of an excuse to actually LIKE insects, a lot of times people who actually like them are as creepy and gross as the insect themselves. The only ones I actually have a fear of is hornets and wasps. I was swarmed by a bunch of them when I was really young and haven't been able shake my aversion to them. Around here we have yellow jackets, which are true pests and constantly buzz around your head when they see you. I just plain hate them. Mosquitos? Meh. Just small and irritating, especially when one decides to explore your ear canal at 3am. You should also be afraid of screw worms. They lay their larvae in your nose and you'd never know it until they eat their way out.
A friend of mine said that he had a Japanese hornet spend the entire night on the outside of his back door a few weeks ago. I didn't think that we had those here in the U.S., but he swears that's what it was. Has anyone else had encounters with them in the U.S.?
I have never heard if those things being in the U.S., but who knows. You don't want to be near one, that's for sure. They're the size if your thumb and spit corrosive acid.. A single hornet can kill 10,000 honey bees without breaking a sweat.
When we were younger my brother (the bastard) used to chase us with them. And pull their legs off. So I had a completely irrational fear of them and made it completely understandable the one time when we were camping and I was going to the bathroom and this HUGE one comes walking towards me. My legs lifted up and I screamed and yelled and refused to get off that toilet until I was rescued. That's normal for 15 right? Kidding, I think I was about 8. My dad saved me. And guess what? HE NEVER FOUND IT! I hated going to the bathroom the rest of the trip. That also reminds me of the time my mom got her period on a camping trip and I had to run and tell my dad and he had to walk a tampon back to the bathroom and I asked if she was going to be okay because she was bleeding HORRIBLY. She was fine.
That's why I grow sunflowers. Sunflowers attract bumblebees, which are massive and intimidating, but they chase all the hornets away. It amazing to watch: they hover like hummingbirds in the yard, watching like a junkyard dog. If a wasp comes anywhere in the backyard, they tackle it in the air and either kill it or chase it away. I used to hate them because their buzz is so damn loud but they're actually awesome.
It's probably a European hornet, which is very similar in appearance and actually common in North America. We had a hive of them for a few years here in NW Georgia. When we were building our house I was finishing a job outside one night and had my truck lights on. I discovered that the hornets are one of the few species that will follow a light at night, and since the lights (I realized later) were shining almost directly on the nest, we had hundreds of them all over the front of the truck. It was our first encounter with something that large, so we all thought we were going to die - me, the wife, and our three kids all stung to death and partially eaten by giant mutant wasps, our mutilated bodies left for days in the woods before anyone thought to look for us. Fortunately we were able to sneak into the truck and drive away. We weren't going to just turn off the lights and see if they went away. About half of them made the six mile trip to the nearest gas station - no way we were going back to our duplex with those man-eating beasts - and they preferred the bright lights there. With a little research I realized we were in no danger, they're not aggressive, and they're very beneficial in the number of insects they eat. I left them alone after that, and none of us has been bothered by them.
I think I fucked my back up trying to move a refrigerator by myself. On the positive side, it hurts so bad it woke me up an hour early and I had time to get breakfast before work.
Thats good to hear you got some breakfast in before going to work. Last summer I was helping my brother in law move a fridge and it literally almost killed me. I was moving it down some stairs backwards while it was on a dolly. When I was walking down the steps, I slipped, and boom, I slam to the ground on my chest and the fridge slams down a foot away from my head.