In the past 24 hours I have used the Family Guy line about Boston twice: "How can a town with so many great colleges produce so many dopes." Both times they agreed with me. Dude at the bar earlier summed it up, "That's because nobody in Boston goes to those colleges." Then he mumbled something about Thuh Sawx, yelled, " SOUFIE RULEZ, CHOWDUH HAD," and crushed a beer can on his forehead. Ok, the first part happened. I am embellishing on the rest, but only slightly.
I'll go to Boston and New York someday. My best friend loved both cities. He said about Boston "Great museums, clean, but the worst traffic EVER." He said basically everyone he met was nice, I asked him how strong the accents are and he replies "A lot don't even have that stereotyped accent. Others, they could be a rocket scientist and I'd still think they're mentally handicapped. They never use the letter 'R' when they talk!"
In my experience, both Atlanta and DC have Boston beat traffic-wise. I hear LA is worse as well, but I've never been there(nor do I ever want to go).
I googled this story and the woman had another kid. Hard decision to leave one kid (who could also get kidnapped) while chasing another kid. Anyway, yes weekend. I'm going to toss this into the suggestion thread, but it looks like for the first time I'll be living with the gf by June 1st if all goes as planned. I'm sure you fuckers have stories about shit you learned about moving in with your SO, things you learned, things you had to learn, systems of living together etc. It'll hilarious and educational.
There goes your secret nerd life. I have some things to add, but I'll wait and see if it becomes it's own thread.
The zoo was fun yesterday even though we did get rained on. Yesterday was also field trip day, apparently. No less than 10 buses full of kindergarteners and preschoolers were unleashed upon the zoo. Thankfully their teachers were very good at corralling them and we still got through the zoo at about the same pace we usually do. We love going to the zoo but of all the animals there, E's favorite thing to do is feed the god damn goats. We don't have to go to the zoo for you to feed a goat dog food, there are plenty of people who own goats closer than the 90 mile trip we make to the zoo. We had a lot of fun though, other than the goats, the tortoises were her favorite. I'm currently shopping for a new car seat for E so that I can move Baby A out of his infant seat and into the one she's using now. Don't be jealous guys, one day you'll be starting off your weekend with such shenanigans. We also have a 3 year old's birthday party this afternoon. Like I said, don't be jealous.
I accidentally gave my son one of my shirts the other day and yesterday he wore it to school. I'm an awesome mom. It was this one: Not too bad, except there's some sheen to the sleeves. But he's colorblind and can't see that. Oh yeah, and after I told him I think he was wearing my shirt, and he was trying to rip it off in horror, he told me some kid asked him on the bus if it was a girls' shirt. Of course he emphatically denied it. I gotta tell ya, that other kid had a pretty good eye as they then asked a girl on the bus and she didn't think it looked like a girls' shirt. It's like I'm trying to damage him. Hey, at least I don't ignore kids drinking gas: That makes me better than someone, right?
That isn't something to feel guilty over, it was an accident. Clean exit. Besides, umm.... Have you seen how many guys wear skinny jeans these days? Boys dress like women all the time now.. If Back to the Future occurred right now, you would go back 30 years and not notice much different. "Gee, this is HEAVY Doc! In 1984 all the guys have faggy feathered hair, day-glo tank tops, Pizza Hut sunglasses and pants so tight if they cinched their belt one more loop their dicks would vaporize!" "Jumping Gigawatts, Marty! You didn't travel back in time at all!"
Driving up to Maine last week - the pass through Massachusetts was the best part of the drive. People actually fucking DROVE. Like - fast. And shit. And fucking made holes and didn't ride in the blind spot and box you in. The rest of New England drivers - not so much. They drive slow. Like really fucking slow. And get pissed. PISSED. When you pass them. Asshats.
Yesssss succumb to the power of the Dark Side of driving. Feel the hatred if other drivers flowing through you. If you drove through Connecticut which you probably did, that must have taken ages. Every time I drive on 84 I want to kill myself.
I was at that restaurant last month and sat at that same table. It's a place in Edisto Island, SC and has some pretty good food but it gets pretty crowded since it's only one of a handful of places to get anything to eat. It's a beautiful day here and I just got back from the golf course right in time to do another fucking paper. I'll probably start drinking pretty soon because the last paper I turned in I was kind of hammered and got a better grade than the one I did sober.