Not sure what's worse, a husband ignoring his son's lacrosse ceremony to watch the draft or the wife expressing her disgust with his actions on facebook. Airing your dirty laundry on social media is despicable people, stop doing that shit.
Yea, I'm glad my parents never took to facebook. My dad never did for professional reasons. He an exec and there's no reason to put himself out there like that. And, for once thankfully, my mom is too out of the game to understand how to use facebook, otherwise she would and it'd be a disaster. Although parents on facebook can be funny from time to time
This is almost exclusively the kind of stuff my dad posts: And toddamus, didn't I show you how to link correctly? Do we need instructions again?
Speaking of facebook, this kid from high school just defriended me. He posted a really shitty, misogynist rant about women breastfeeding in public, and I posted a gentle response pointing out that boobs are literally made for breastfeeding. Apparently he didn't appreciate it. Oops! No more of his doofy selfies on my newsfeed!
People who get offended by public breast feeding are some of the most miserable human beings alive. First off, breasts are amazing. They should be allowed to be free, even sans the hungry baby. Secondly, you probably also get mad about the gays but tout freedom from government interventions. If you spend even a minute of time angry about exposed breasts you need a belt sander to the teeth.
I'm glad he came out and was drafted and like all of these kids drafted hope he has a long career, but I hope that in the case that he's cut (as 7th round picks are wont to do) that social justice warriors don't assail the Rams with claims of homophobia.
It would take a completely ignorant asshole to do something like that. Unfortunately, those soapboxing assholes are far too many, and if he is cut (which is a common possibility) then you are guaranteed to have white people in dreadlocks yelling mundane bullshit into their laptop mics. Then, you will have to have people that have actually watched football explain "Hey douchenozzles, he's a seventh round pick. He got drafted by a professional team. That itself is an honour amongst millions who only dream of something like that." I wish him luck, and hope they just plain let him play and let him prove himself a player.
The problem isn't the people yelling from their soap boxes, it's the fucking media outlets that go, "oh look everyone, look what he's saying! Isn't that just HORRIBLE!?!? But LOOK!!! LOOK AT HIM!!!" I swear, the sensationalist nature of mainstream media could make one want to climb a clock tower, make a scene to bring out the swarm of news teams to cover it, and then snipe the news teams. That should be a video game.
Yes. It IS despicable. The world is not your diary. Especially in this day and age, people have no excuse to still be clueless to this shit. The internet is a life-ruiner. And what the Don Sterling incident taught-- everyone already knew he was a total asshole-- is that you're not even safe in your own home with the people you think you trust. As disgusting as what he said he was on his property, and so many just say "Hey, don't say it/do it if you don't want people to hear about it!" is there privacy any more? There never used to be a "Permanent Record", that was an urban legend to scare kids straight. But now there IS a permanent record, and it can make you famous and /or ruin your entire life you built up in an instant. All you have to do is say the wrong impulsive thing in the wrong place, and you're Public Enemy #1 because somebody had their phone camera on or went Showtime At The Apollo on twitter. It's really scary. And despicable.
Personally, I think the Sterling thing is bullshit. He had every right to think and say whatever the fuck he wanted to in the privacy of his own home, and that should never have been used against him in any way.
EXACTLY. Who hasn't muttered something inhuman before? I have, you have, we ALL have. Call it impulse, call it opinion, belief, but what do we have left if we cant even improperly speak in our own house? That's the last safe place we have and now we have to look over our shoulders. THAT was the real issue with Sterling's story and it was barely talked about. I'm in my home, and a white man should be able to sing along with gangsta rap without any trouble.
It's a very slippery slope. The precedent has been set. So if some NBA player's wife/mistress/girlfriend secretly tapes him going on a rant about gays or something, they're going to have to kick him out too, I suppose. Or is this a case of Sterling being a racist for so long (the discriminatory housing,etc) that this was the straw that broke the camel's back?
My Mom's Day will also be Sangria Sunday. Spoiler I also plan to have my favorite breakfast - eggs benedict with a mimosa. Also, in case you were starting to feel a little judgy: Spoiler since my divorce I have rarely had my kid with me on a Sunday and this will be no exception, so boozing it up is completely acceptable. Not that I care what you think. Okay I guess I care a little.
I've been to Atlanta and Boston, but wasn't the driver in either case. I've driven in DC and LA. They were similar to one another, I guess I'm biased to think DC is worse since I lived in that area 4 yrs and have been back there many times since then. LA I was only there a short time and most of it I was too goggle-eyed over the fact that I was in freaking Los Angeles to be that annoyed with the traffic.
I'm about 99% positive it was this. Kinda like OJ getting just shy of a life sentence for simple robbery. Hatred builds up, and where the justice system fails, people seek to find their own justice. And when you're in a position like Silver, you can act on it. Not that I agree with the punishment for that act that got him, but I agree it is appropriate for his "body of work" so to speak. I know I'm contradicting myself. Cognitive dissonance. This is a real bitch for me, morally, to sort through, and in that regard I'm glad Sterling is very litigious because I'm interested in seeing how this plays out in court.
My take on Sterling was that people hated his guts for a long time, but his shittiness just didn't hit the national radar when the landlord stuff went down. Because TMZ picked up the phone calls, it did make national news and the people who wanted him gone practically shit their pants at this chance to do it.