Focus: I larp and to date I have never seen a good representation of it in media. It's just not something that lends itself well to portrayal and so every time someone makes a movie with larping in it, it's a lot of bad stereotypes and making fun of the larpers in it. At least Role Models had a positive message at the end of it, but for the most part larpers are consistently portrayed as fringe members of society rather than the lawyers, doctors, cops, and so on that also participate. Though, some ground is slowly being gained, at least in so far as people have heard of it. In the 90s, it was not a word most people had ever seen. I also play poker, and those are hit or miss in movies. Portrayals are usually either James Bond or Degenerate Loser, without a lot in between. If you play poker consistently you learn the running joke that is "a hollywood hand". Ie. a hand only really played out in a movie. Like the final hand in Casino Royale is ludicrous, nor does it demonstrate actual poker skill.
Yes, white folk who don't like to be reduced down to our already unimpressive manhood. Hmm now there's a million dollar idea. A kind of antithesis to black cuckolding porn.
Among other things, I like playing with ideas just because they're fucked up and taboo. If someone tells me that something is a sacred cow, I immediately want to make jokes about it or do something perverted with it. I find a lot of african american and mixed women crazy attractive anyway - and I get off a bit on race play - which is dangerous ground since I'm a big caucasian dude with a shaved head - any movie that needs a neo nazi extra, I'm a great candidate. I've done stuff with Thai and Filipino girlfriends where we go to a party dressed as 'Ex Pat and Bar Girl' cliche - socks and sandals with beige shorts and Hawaiian shirt and girl in skimpy white dress on a teddy bear leash, but doing dominance and submission / slavery style kink stuff with an African American woman is one of very few things still on my bucket list. It's just touchy ground, and while I've hooked up with a couple of African American or mixed girls, it's never been the kind of thing where floating a race play fantasy has been on the table. has explored the idea a bit in a few of their sex and submission productions, and the Skin Diamond scene in Get My Belt (NSFW) gets mentioned a lot in conversations about race play porn because it's pretty fucking hot. But All the scenes in get my belt had pretty confronting elements. Hot as fuck if it's what you're into - but even for me there's imagery in one of the scenes that really fucks with my head. It was an interesting porn project in that it's production direction was really about fucking with some buttons and exploring some dark shit - not just making another dirty movie.
I cannot even imagine how that conversation comes up. "Okay baby, let's role play. I'll be 'Massah' and you'll flee in the night hidden in a coffin. Sound like fun?"
I imagine it goes down more like, "OK, Im going to lock you in that hot box for six hours, then, a standard rape play* and Ill be dropping the N bomb the whole time. Safe word is "limp dick whitie." In for a penny in for a pound is my guess. *am I the only one who is sorta turned off to the "kink scene" because they use innocuous infantile wording to describe their perversions?
I have a friendly acquaintance who's got a big cock. Like porn star big cock. He's a nice, smart, good looking guy - he tries hard to be a good person. He's a former school teacher and now an ambulance officer. He's good people. A few of our friends have chased after him, just because they'd heard that he has a big dick. Imagine if you actually cared about someone, and you had to wonder if the only reason they pursued you or the only reason they agreed to the first date, was because they'd heard you had a big cock. Imagine how much of a headfuck that would be in relationships when you tried to figure out at the point where things get heavy, if you were both feeling something emotional and connected, or if she was just really a fan of giant cocks and was willing to jump through hoops to get at yours? All jokes aside - the reality is that no matter who you are, or how socially desirable a thing is - nobody wants to be loved for some thing that doesn't feel like part of who they are. We all want to believe that our core identity - the thing that would make us who we are, regardless of the size of our genitals or the color of our skin or size of our bank balance or whatever other arbitrary or shallow metric someone might be fixated on it, is the reason why someone loves us. That the thing that makes us 'sexy' or desirable or lovable is fundamental to who we are, and not just to what we have. If you've never been objectified - that's a really nice thing, because it sucks when it happens. There's not fucking much on my bucket list. That one is still there mostly because there's no fucking way I'm going to initiate the conversation without a huge fucking indicator that the person I'm talking too would be into it. It's kind of weird enough suggesting to a Thai girlfriend that we go to a party dressed as a fat white guy and a bar girl - because both times I've done it - it's basically been a case of 'lets make fun of your parents relationship' - and as much of a mine field as that conversation is, it's a fucking walk in the part compared to playing slave games with an African American woman.
I think you guys don't understand how bad the sex life for the average person really is. As in awful. As in no foreplay, no real...enjoyment...I guess. People like to fuck. But they also like sensuality...and LOTS of people don't know, understand, or even really feel truly comfortable with sensuality. Sensuality looks fantastic on film and in literature but in real life - it's scary because it's so intimate. The people who love this book have really...really...REALLY bad sex lives. They may have sex 4x a week - but it isn't good, fulfilling sex...
Handsome son of a bitch is worried if women are dating him for his personality or his big dick. What shit luck.
The supplier took it back, someone undoubtedly got fired, and some poor sonofabitch had to mop out a truck load of melted butter. I hope he brought popcorn. If he was smart, he took a pail home. That stuff makes great lube. Uh... so I've heard.
I'll have to remember that. Next time instead of breaking out the lube, I'll break out a stick of butter. I'm sure that'll go over real well. In fact, I bet thats a move straight out of 50 Shades of Grey.
Focus: I'm black. Enough said. Alt-Focus: When it comes to 50 Shades of Grey, I find Scootah's complaint about it not being real BDSM interesting. My theory is that if it was real BDSM, it wouldn't be nearly as popular. The fact that it is 1) rape 2) BDSM-lite is what makes it popular. This crowd really doesn't want to participate in BDSM, they just want to fantasize about it for a bit and move on. It's just different from what they're used to. Also, sorry to inform you people, this shit took the country by storm, 18-54. I know attractive (and unattractive) 20 somethings that read the book. It came out when I worked in an office of 200+ people, more than half of them women and it was discussed frequently. I've seen it women reading it on the bus and train. Also, the fact it was poorly written I think connects to my earlier point, allowing it to be okay for girls to read. A lot of the convos went like this in the middle of the day at my office. G1 "Have you heard of this 50 Shades book?" G2 "Yeah, it's really poorly written." G1 "It is but its kind of entertaining how bad it is." G2 "Yeah...I started it, so I just I just have to finish it. Both girls look at each other and giggle. G1 "Mee too."
We live in the Reddit age. Sometimes stupid, shitty things get crazy popular for no fucking reason, and no one understands why. If there was anything intrinsic about 50 Shades that led to it's popularity we would have been drowning in "Me Too!" bullshit, but that didn't really happen. It's the same sort of thing that happened with Flappy Bird. There are plenty of mobile games better than Flappy Bird and plenty of Erotica better than 50 Shades, but the internet chose to latch on to them, and by the time they hit mainstream culture it didn't matter where the initial interest came from. I could give a shit less about the content of 50 Shades. It appears to be fairly typical in the intersection between shitty romance novel and fan fiction. What pisses me off is the fact that people are lapping up prose that is so horrifically bad. Some of the quotes I've read sound like they were written by a person who wears velcro shoes, and that was after an editor got through with them. We don't get to have nice things, because most of us don't deserve them.
A thought occurred to me about the popularity of 50 Shades of Gray. Probably something to do with the popularity of Twilight. It's not exactly well-written, not full of deeper meaning or allusions or philosophical underpinnings, and written by an otherwise unimpressive woman transparently typing out her own fantasies (EL James has explicitly stated as much). So... why exactly shouldn't it gather a following among Middle America? The link to Harlequin romances is clear, and those things, I am willing to bet, are more popular than we realize. I mean, those things are sold in convenience stores that don't sell any other kind of book. What is surprising to me is how acceptable it's become to read the book in public and discuss it with others. Mothers who were too ashamed or embarrassed or worried about sending the wrong message to have the birds and the bees talk with their daughters are now talking about 50 Shades of Gray with them. What in the fuck happened there?