Lanza and Holmes obviously had extreme mental illnesses, of types that seem to hit a crescendo in your 20s. I think you also have to consider that the early to mid 20s are the age where you are supposed to be making your way in the world, and starting on your path of life as an adult. The realization that the world isn't how you desperately want it to be - maybe you can't get a decent job, or have the relationships you want, or are socially dysfunctional, or you feel that the opportunities that should be afforded you are unavailable - and you've got a time bomb looking for a reason to go off. Most people deal with these realizations in ways that don't lead to mass murder. But venture too far down the rabbit hole, and (in many cases) throw in varying forms of mental illness, and you'll find a group or groups to blame for your perceived predicament. I think these are often the motivations for young men to join extremist groups. This guy focused on the oldest, and easiest, target in the book - skin color. In summation - dudes in their late teens and early 20s are often flailing about to begin with - if shit is going to go sideways in their heads, this is the age when that usually happens
I'm not sure how I wound up on LongHorn Steakhouses mailing list, but I just received spam helpfully informing me that my dad wants their new steak dinner. Since my father has been dead for 10 years, it's unclear how they would know his dinner preferences. But I've begun inquiries.
Quote from the woman who turned him in: “I saw the news coverage last night and the picture of the car. I knew it was a black car, and it had a tag on the front. I saw the pictures of him with the bowl cut,” Dills said through tears. "I said, 'I've seen that car for some reason. I look over, and it's got a South Carolina tag on it. I thought, 'Nah, that's not his car.' Then, I got closer and saw that hair cut. I was nervious. I had the worst feeling."
Uhh, how about me circa 1998? On my elementary school's volleyball A team and going out with the second most popular girl in my class? Haters can hate all they want though, that B team bullshit doesn't concern me.
Aaand my kid just pooped on the couch. He's got a rash so I was letting him free ball it so he could get some fresh air. This was a terrible idea. I need a drink.
Ive already seen people arguing that the media reporting the guys age as 21 just after the shooting as suspicious. THEY DIDNT SAY LATE TEENS EARLY TWENTIES DA FUQ?!?!! Kind of wish I caught this live.
I really need to stop procrastinating when it comes to TV shows. I've been catching up on Archer for the last two weeks and it is one of the funniest shows I've seen in a while. Aww, Goatley!
I'm picturing mid twenties deadbeat loser. Ma I got poop on my rash again! MA!! And he's from Boston.
Does anybody ever scan those QR codes? I may have to start checking them more often: I've actually scanned that Heinz one before. It was several years ago, and was the first one I did. I'll bet there's a lot more porn lurking on product labels . . .
Excuse me, as my oldest likes to remind me, "I'm almost 20 now mom." Yeah, like 5 months away. Geez. Just busy. I have this huge meet I run this weekend. About 600 swimmers. Outdoors. Only about a 90% chance of rain on Sunday. Ponchos for everyone!