So pulling on this thread a bit I'm left wondering if the women here like their man to have decent sized balls or is that just really a non issue?
Symmetry is not as important as Them being massive. Women want, nay, require a cartoon robber-sized sack of testicular triumph. Large, walnut-hard and feel good in the hand. That's what blows up skirts like an angry air vent.
You know, Ive never caught a girl starring and I don't put it up in my waist band because I like to wear my shorts high up like Urkal and thats fucking that.
Casual drop. Egg shaped with a prickly mouth-feel. Nonexistent odor detected. Speaking of balls, has anyone else noticed that they are always moving? It is actually pretty mesmerizing.
I had a FB friend from high school comment, "What a waste". Apparently bad boys are sexy but inmates aren't.
I kinda figured balls are like boobs, they're not always symmetrical or the same size. Its good to get some confirmation on that.
All that's important about balls to us men is that they contain 88% of our pain receptors and must be protected at all times. I guarantee every guy on this board has been on the receiving end of a testicular trauma that traumatized them so much they still remember it like yesterday: a line-drive, a cruel girl's pointed shoe or a bicycle crossbar are a few of many common examples. Something that sent a lightning bolt of pain shooting through your pelvic area so great it drove you to tears and made you secretly pray to God to make it stop.
Can confirm. When my brother was 10 and I was 12, we'd be constantly throwing each other around. Well, I'd be throwing him around and laughing when he tried to do that to me. He got pissed and Ric Flair'ed me hard enough for me to see stars. And then there's all the times I've sat on them. And yes. Balls are perpetual motion machines.
He's allegedly one of the most dangerous men in northern California. And women and gay guys are all "gimme some of that!". What I just don't get is how no one in his past, not even a friend or relative even thought, "Maybe he's good looking enough to model." He's objectively a good looking person. And a true waste.