Two quarters away from what looks like my Spurs winning their 5th NBA championship, and of course I can't drink right now due to the antibiotics I'm taking for a horrible hospital bug I picked up. I've waited YEARS to get drunk and celebrate another championship. And now I can't even have a beer!! Spoiler Sorry Cleveland.
This and so I am not a wife beating, family deserting, raging alcoholic. Thanks, dad. Had a great father's day - my daughter took me out for lunch and to the bookstore. I took her for a quick drive through the local canyons. Then we had a beer and talked about her fall classes. Happy father's day to all who have/had a decent dad or are one.
My stepson drove over from San Jose to take me out to breakfast early this morning. After he left to meet his dad, my twin boys and I went over to visit my dad for fathers day. I am so blessed to have had a great father and mother to have raised me, a great step son to have included me in his life and great twin boys that want ot be around not only me but my father. Yeah, I probably had the best fathers day ever
Neither of those have cramps as bad as LeBron, and he doesn't have to play 90 minutes in the middle of the Amazon.
Richman is one of the nicest, most affable "tv personalities" you will ever meet. While all those Food Channel guys (and I've met a bunch through media events and upfronts over the years) are full of themselves and hopped up on their own essence, Richman was funny, outgoing, and genuinely interested in shooting the shit the two different times and settings I met him. Yea, the fact that his show celebrated the ridiculous gluttony that makes this country fat, I always kind of enjoyed the almost pornographic way he described flavors. Dude clearly loves the science of food. The fact that he quit the format of his show cause it was killing him despite the fact that he was working out a bunch while filming, and is now in great shape says a bit something about his self awareness, shrug.
Plus he gave up a show that was a ratings hit. I know there were some imitators but no one became as popular. I think it can be attributed somewhat to him being a good host. I never understood the hate for Richman. Outside of the Crown Royal-esque thrashing everyone gave the show for the gluttony factor, which I understand but never agreed with, Richman seemed as non douchey as Food celebrities come. Guy Feiri on the other hand is a lumbering dildo who wears Smashmouth music video clothing. I fucking hate that guy.
This one isn't directed just at scotchcrotch but also at others who behave like this: I understand that there are people on the TiB (and most likely in lots of places) that dislike association football/soccer and it's your right to dislike it, but I get really tired of annoying snipes like this one. If you don't like soccer (as you Americans call it), then DON'T WATCH IT. Are you being tied down and forced to watch it? Is your Netflix/cable/whatever the fuck else you watch broken? I don't watch the NBA, MLB, American football/Gridiron/whatever other names you call it or NHL because those sports aren't prevalent here in South Africa or in most other countries around the world (I knew exactly one ice-hockey player at my school, everyone else played field hockey on grass or astroturf due to living in the subtropics where ice isn't exactly easy to find). I don't feel the need to comment on those sports or any others that I dislike as such, but people who dislike soccer feel the need to pipe up about it constantly when there is a tournament on. How about keeping it to yourself and watching something else and ignoring everyone around you who is enjoying the World Cup? I (and most other sports fans) aren't as vociferous about our dislike of other sports. For example, I feel it is a bit disingenuous to call a tournament a "World Series" when it's teams from only one country that are involved, when that country is one of about maybe 15 in the world that play it... tl,dr: If you don't like a sport, don't watch it or talk about it - just ignore it. You're only annoying other people who DO enjoy that sport, whatever it is.
This is a joke, right? You, of all people, pull the, "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all"? There isn't a person on this board who says they hate more things than you do. You don't like women, sex, your body, your parents, your house, your country or other people. Your name is practically synonymous with Eeyore. I'm not sure you're the one who should be shaking your finger at people for having negative opinions.
My husband and I enjoyed Man Vs Food until the format changed. It used to be he would do the one eating challenge that had the ridiculously large portion and then the rest of the show he would go around the same town to other restaurants and showcase normal food. At some point it morphed into showcasing ridiculously large portions at the other restaurants as well. When the show for my town aired, we were excited to see what restaurants would be featured because we might want to visit them. Except that we were turned off by all of it. The one off the top of my head was one restaurant where the only menu item he talked about were these enormous submarines with ridiculous ingredients. So disappointed. But we did like Richman, and it was neat when he was a judge on Iron Chef America because we got to see him talk about food in a different way.
This is a discussion board, not a circle jerk board. The Sports Board section is where you can expect to have non-fans filtered out. The focus of the World Cup thread (and other threads for that matter) is to have a discussion as it pertains to preferences, general thoughts, etc.
Future Titties What's the deal with the FutureWife term? I first remember 'sack using that. It's no fewer letters than My Fiance. Is it because nobody can remember if there are supposed to be 1 or 2 e's at the end or an accent over the e? I don't get it. Is it supposed to be bad luck to call them fiance? Or, is everyone trying to predict the future correctly? Can I start referring to certain TiBettes as Future Boob Revealer?
I always thought the word "fiancé" was highfalutin, so I use FutureWife in real life also. I think I just adopted it from 'Sack.
I love Bourdain, watch every episode I can get my hands on,,, and the one thing that he has taught me is to try everything. Now when I go to a restaurant that isn't a fucking J Alexanders, or some sort of shitty chain that my stepson wants to go, I ask the waiter what they eat, and then I order it. My wife and her family is a bunch of food snobs, and its funny how she has so many rules.... I don't understand it, you'll only eat at high end places, drink the most expensive wine, and then try to shoehorn in words like "flavor profile", "gaufrette" and "dauphinoise" into the conversation.. But you won't taste my basement sausage? Woman, I'm happier eating slices of my homemade finochietto and Early Times in a rocks glass then when you were rolling your eyes while you put that 50 dollar entree in your throathole and acted like it was a new invention. And if you call dauphinoise potatoes instead of au gratin potatoes again, I'm gonna give you a 12 to 6 elbow to the noggin. (they're legal in my household)
Just curious, what do you mean by "ultimate goal?" We plan on getting married, having children, and growing old together. We have similar views/stances on subjects so what else is there?
Expensive gourmet food, etc, can be a fantastic experience but few things piss me off more than feeling like I'm overpaying for it and just wasting cash on a pretentious show. Ultimately the food matters most to me, whether it was served on styrofoam or fine china.
Mrs. Noland and I didn't have any of these conversations. What we did do, and still do, is act like adults and adapt as the situation requires. So you could give that a shot.