<a class="postlink" href="http://www.nbasa.org.za/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.nbasa.org.za/</a>
Granted, there are many situations in life where you need to act like adults and adapt. In the above example, who has the better paying job, who likes their job more, which job has more security, which perosn actually thinks they could stay home and not lose their mind - all of those things are heavily dependent on the situation at the time, and discussing them years in advance may not be beneficial. However, if you go into your marriage without having discussed if you actually want kids, how many, where you want to (or would be willing to) live, what sort of lifestyle you have in mind, your career goals, what role or interactions the rest of your family will have in your life, what you want your future to look like in general - well then the only thing that is going to help you is sheer luck. The Mrsanthropic and I didn't sit down and have formal discussions about much of that, but those talks came up opportunistically as life happened around us.
I had never heard the term dauphinois before and had to google it. I see that it does mean the exact same thing as au gratin potatoes, so I have to wonder why there are two different terms. They are both french terms. There is no ingredient difference - unlike with scalloped potatoes, which does not have to have cheese. Anyway, when you think about it, both dauphinois and au gratin are fancy sounding French names. It's just that au gratin is more commonly used, which tarnishes the fanciness. But yeah, if someone were to use the word dauphinois, and not in reference to a specific recipe, "I used Julia Child's recipe for gratin dauphinois, and it was delicious" then they are probably full of themselves. I'd either respond with a terrible pronunciation of dauphinois, "Hey, could you pass the daffy-noise?" or say something like, "Oh, I much prefer au gratin" (said in an exaggerated french accent) and if they said it was the same thing, call them on it.
Just to make it confusing, check out Potatoes Dauphine: Tater Tots on steroids. Honestly, I hate au gratin. I'd rather a pommes puree. You bourgeoisie and your quaintness. If you will excuse my leave, I must adorn my powdered wig and cravat to attend to the day's business.
Just to be clear, I used dauphinoise as an example. She's never used that in conversation, but "flavor profile" came out of her mouth while we were with friends in Denver a couple months ago. I then told her that she can only use that word when I eat pineapple and she goes down on me. "Oooohhh, your cum has a new flavor profile this week! Is it Dole, or Del Monte?" "Bitch, I don't half ass this shit, its fresh farmers market shit flown in from the big island" I know a guy. I'll make 13 to 14 phonecalls and next week you'll be tasting Cuban sugarcane and freshly squeezed lime when I hump sperm into your cockport" This conversation has only happened in my imagination.
Well, if you are ever in Richmond: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.cancanbrasserie.com/Lunch.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.cancanbrasserie.com/Lunch.html</a>
Everyone can thank Binary for making sure that I no longer wish to contribute to this Board. I may occasionally read stuff and send reps but I'm done. I only started posting again on the WDT due to the former lack of new users. I had my own reservations about posting again once Binary was made a Mod, that post just confirmed it for me. Cheerio.
So, wait. You lecture a bunch of people demanding they not post unless they have something positive to say, but I'm a big jerkface for pointing out maybe you're not in the best position to demand that? Okay. Cheerio.
You may rest assured, Durbanite, that your name will continue to inspire jokes at your expense well after your passing.
This is a great example of why we keep the drunk thread open at all times. Where else can Durbanite get pouty and ragequit where we can all respond in harmony? Unless its the rant and rave thread, and we post in the visual version, we would have nothing.
Speaking of shoehorns, one time there was a box of tampons on our island in the kitchen and my son sees it and says, "huh. See you bought some shoehorns." First, how a box of tampons look like shoehorns, no idea. Second, how does he even know what they are? Jerkface. I only run off board members when they comment about how much cake people eat. Priorities. Stop being mean you guys. I'm getting all tense.
So your sexual rubicon is whether or not she takes a load in the mouth and if she allows you to spit on her?