I'd like to interject here, I just had my review and it went great. I got a raise and extra week of PTO/vacation (I was at 3 weeks prior). Tonight we will eat like royalty, dinning on seafood and beef. And at the end of this month I'll be taking 7 glorious days off. I miss Seinfield. It was certainly one of those shows that was not for everyone. You either loved it or straight up hated it.
Your tolerance of that show purely depends on your acceptance of the four main characters who --like the cast of Always Sunny-- are complete, unrelenting jerks (especially George). It's funny how many fans who loved it didn't realize the characters of that show were actually the villains until the final episode when all their victims came back to haunt them.
Checking out at lowes, grabbed a rockstar energy, and the cashier asked me if I drink those a lot. She said her co-worker at another lowes drank four a day and they recently found him dead. Well, uh..... no shit?? That's like if you drink a 24 pack of beer a day and then people act surprised you become an alcoholic. At what threshold, when someone dies, can we say they deserved it if they were dumb enough to not see it coming?
At least two would be the moment they drive drunk or light up a cigarette, because they have absolutely nobody to blame but themselves.
I think those are my favorite kinds of shows. It makes you feel like less of a shitty person in comparison, but they're still a little relateable because people are shitty in general. I think I got into the wrong line of work. I've been talking to cleaning ladies and getting estimates. In my opinion they all charge a crazy amount for a 1,800 sq ft house that will have a bedroom closed off to keep the cat coralled. I should've grown up to open my own cleaning lady empire.
It's people, not a cat. Her CHILD. And it can read this and it has feelings so have some respect for Mr. Boots.
Well just while she's here. The bedroom is used as an office so it doesn't really get dirty. The cat would be all up in her way, so I figured it'd be easier for her to just have him stay in there.
I am a vigorous cleaner. I guess the lady was impressed, because at my old job some old lady gave me her number when I was cleaning the bathroom and tried to get me to come clean her house. She had 5 cats and wanted me to come monthly, which means deep cleaning, for $50. Fuuuuck no. Hell no. No no no no.
So my brother got his wife knocked up. I'm so unready to have kids I'm not sure I'm even ready to be an uncle.