His mugshot doesn't do anything for me. I can see that he is objectively good looking, but his expression creeps me out. Could be his arrest put him in a bad mood or maybe he has resting bitch face, but if I saw that in a bar I would turn and walk in the other direction.
Apple pie is the king of dessert. But my favourite sweet thing to eat is pussy. (Seriously it took that long for someone to make that joke?)
I don't often do desserts and it's hard to decide which is my favorite. There was a Mississippi mud pie I used to get in Minnesota that I could never find anywhere else that I thought was the best. Outside of that I'm a pecan pie fan. I like to let my feet breathe so I wear sandals and flip flops quite a bit during summer. Sanuks if I think sandals are inappropriate.
It was in another thread, took me a bit to find it with my phone, but it had already been fixed. Kale smoothie? Does not sound nearly as appealing as an ipa...
You should see what he posted in the mod forum. I think we have decided he very well may have stroked out.
According the Damn PSA's on the radio, look for: Face drooping Arm Impairment Speech Difficulty TIME to call the mofo doctors... Hope the hangovers not a bitch...
Ha! That was worth it. By the way, the fact that I haven't had a single sip of alcohol since last Saturday may have something to do with my attitude. This getting healthy shit sucks.
Wait, what does sugar tits mean again? ftfy I mean, I like to eat pussy, but for a sweet treat, I would prefer this: