Oh. Lock. Because, damn, I was thinking that took some serious flexibility. Bad eyes + dirty mind = poor reading comprehension. Speaking of bad eyes . . . two days last week I was thinking, crap, my eyes are really getting bad, time to go to the doctor. Later, I realized my contact was inside out. I've worn contacts for over 30 years and I've never done that before. My visiion is much better when the lens is right side out.
As far as sweets go anything with caramel in it is awesome and I can sit there and eat raspberries all day. The feet thing? I grew up going to school barefoot because I'd left my shoes at school the day before. I went to primary school in a small town in New Zealand and as soon as you got to school you ripped your shoes off so you could run around and play rugby. To this day I still hate all forms of footwear and it it is warm enough and socially acceptable I'm barefoot at all times.
This is my new addiction: Only sold at our local Wawa. And they were out for days! It melts in your mouth is the best way to describe it. I am also a big fan of cake. With sugar icing, not the weak whipped icing. I don't have it a lot, but it's one of my favorites. Sometimes I will also get regular potato chips and dip them in my ice cream. And at birthday parties I've been known to put cake, ice cream and chips all in the same bowl. It's a special occasion! I am usually a fan of having my feet covered. I'm not freakish about it, but it's my preference.
I was not a sugar person for the longest time. Then I discovered how amazing The French are. These folks get a lot of shit because they're stuck up, pretentious, rude. But they know hot to live, how to eat, and more than any other culture they know how to take cooking to its supreme zenith. It is truly amazing what happens when a deft hand combines some eggs, a little cream, and sugar. Try not to touch yourself. You want to get sticky, admit it: Mille-Feullie (aka Napoleon): Tarte Tartin (think apple pie on 'roids): Rum Baba (rum soaked cake with pastry creme, originally Polish, perfected in 19th century France): The Italians also know how to make a pastry. Thus the cannoli:
I'm trying to think of any situation where I would consider dessert something that contains fruit. Nope. Maybe on top of cheesecake. Raspberries. Other than that, the two are mutually exclusive. Maybe chocolate covered strawberries. They are delicious. Dark chocolate, although I will eat any kind of chocolate. Dark is just my favorite. Why am I so hungry?
Seriously? Fruit pie? Fruit tarts? Fruit crumble? Fruit crisp? You fail at dessert. Also, a proper cannoli is amazing. Best cannoli I ever had was in San Francisco.
Yeah, I love Cherry Cheesecake, Apple Pie is damn nice, so fruit is perfectly acceptable on desserts. Probably acceptable in deserts too.
Yeah, I love Cherry Cheesecake, Apple Pie is damn nice, so fruit is perfectly acceptable on desserts. Probably acceptable in deserts too.
Yes. No. No. No. No. I'm okay with my dessert choices. I like fruit. Just not as dessert. It's fruit! How is warm apple slices all smushy better than just an apple? Can't compute. Plus they're warm. I mentioned smushy right?
People be crazy, yo! Just when you think Sterling couldn't be any more of an idiot, he decides to leave profanity-laced threatening voice mails to the two doctors who declared him mental-incompetent. (Yeah, that's gonna help your case.) Then he decides to call his wife's attorney and leave a death-threat on his voice mail. I really hopes this goes to trial. Or even the discovery phase. Something tells me Sterling will shit the bed and land his ass for something along the way.
In the last few weeks I have discovered why people go through puppy mills and breeders to get a dog. Because rescues are retarded. They make you fill out more paperwork than I did when you buy a house. They require things like home visits and proof of employment. They even want vet records for our cat. And after all that what do they tell you? No you can't adopt a dog from us. You live in a condo, and we require a fenced in yard for our dogs. Because of the aforementioned retards above we decide to go to the pound. The dog we want to adopt from there has a price considerably lower than the other dogs, leading me to believe she is about to be put down. We can't take her until we get back from vacation next week. They can't hold a dog for you. At this point I would almost feel better just not doing it. That way I don't get irate at some folks, and frustrated with others. Fuck this is stupid. On the plus side the pride parade is tomorrow. I am heading downtown with some gays to enjoy what will hopefully be the last time they have this parade when they can't enjoy it with their husband/wife as recognized by the state of Ohio.
I would just like to say that shegirl gave me some love in the form of a rep point because I made her "giggle". I'm taking that as the sign that she wants me to send her back love in the form of a video of my package. That's what that means right?