So you would go to a Vodka bar? Shit man, maybe I'm in the minority. It is literally the last fucking place I would want to go. I guess I'm just picturing a barely lit, people lounging on couches with no backs or armrests, glass tables, shitty fucking music (probably some sort of techno), women waitress who are so hot that they have to be stupid, and to top it all off..... 20 dollar drinks. No thanks. I'll take my 20 dollars go to the liquor store, buy a middle of the road handle, top it off with whatever, and save myself the trouble. Nonetheless, I'd be amazed if this place makes it 6 months.
The idea of home visits for an effing dog just blows my mind. Are you going to take it back when you disapprove of the way I take care of it? Our shelter requires $150 and 5 minutes of paperwork. Of course I bought my dog from a breeder because I like to know she's the epitome of "I will eat you" when my white trash neighbors think they're stealing my lawn mower. (Yes that really happened, yes she chased that fucker back across street and into his house the ass wipe). Barrel aged beer can be good or bad. Depends on the style of beer and the alcohol that was aged in the barrel before the beer. I'd totally enjoy a vodka bar. I would imagine higher class, no techno music. Maybe a live pianist.
You make it with equal parts Cognac and blue ghetto bullshit? I had Hypnotique once. It tasted bad enough I didn't want to experiment further. I can already feel my hangover come on. Two beers, cue the dehydration headache. This getting older shit is fuckin' queer.
A few drunk threads back someone (Revengeofthenerds?) mentioned a drink called the Incredible Hulk, equal parts hipnotiq and hennessey. I decided I wanted to try it and bought the mini bottles of each. Husband more accurately described the shade of green - it was like seaweed. Since it tasted shitty, I added some gin and orange juice. Tasted much better. Husband decided the new shade looked more like urine, and so dubbed it The Urinal. Also, it should be noted that I am not nearly as fucked up as Revengeofthenerds seemed to think would happen. I guess I just have a high tolerance.
You must be broken, as I get older my tolerance is going up and I'm still not getting hangovers because I eat heaps and drink plenty of water.
Bundy Bear, you're a good guy, but if you're not getting hangovers its because you're superhuman or your body really likes the booze. I don't care who you are, if you drink enough, no matter how much water and food you eat, you'll get a hangover. Or maybe I'm wrong, maybe its time for another booze challenge. You up for it? Since you're a bloke who has a decent tolerance, the challenge needs to reflect it. And since I know that booze ain't cheap in Aussie Land, I"ll keep the liquors affordable. The challenge? Drink 7 shots of affordable whiskey in 2 hours, and report back. In that time, you can eat and drink as much water as you want. Last time I did something like this my twin brothers friend ended up hugging the porcelain God while he was in his own world. He decided he would drink the cheapest vodka we'd buy him, he made a bad mistake.
Wait a sec, you did mini bottles? Those things are like a shot a piece. No one can get fucked up with those things. Also, mixing it with gin and oj sounds delicious. When I did it the hypnotiq was chilled, so that may have something to do with the coloring. Didn't really think about it until now.
I know I'm an old boring fuck because I had a drink or ten tonight, counted the calories before I headed out adjusted my diet accordingly, and am seriously stressed because I ate I.h.o.p after the bar and did not allow for those calories.
I fucking love IHOP. I worked there for a couple of years, and I can tell you from a calorie counting perspective that if you got anything resembling a meal, you're in the 1,500 calorie neighborhood. The Country Omelette or Colorado Omelette are tremendous. They also put a bit of pancake batter in their omelettes. The only thing I prefer about Denny's is the home fries, as the IHOP ones tend to be pretty bland.
The People's Porter, you mean? Their standard distribution isn't barrel aged, they have a special release that's called the "BBL Aged Porter." The latter smells like it has a shot of bourbon dumped into it.
Wait a tick... Dov Charney (CEO, American Apparel) got fired?!? How is this not front page gossip/"news"? I'm pretty sure he and sterling buttfuck each other while talking about their dreams where people encouraged discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace. That these two assholes are getting their comeuppance at the same time only makes it that much sweeter.
You'd think I'd finally learn my lesson about ordering extra hot peppers on my Italian beef dip, but no... While it's delicious at the time, the after effects of being unable to sit down comfortably for a few hours a little less desirable. In regards to the whole dessert topic, I pretty much have an aversion to all things sweet so I don't typically eat dessert unless I'm sick. But when I am, I always will house me some Ben & Jerry's Americone Dream.
Speaking of desserts, my daughter went to a graduation party last night. I went downstairs this morning and there is a huuuuggeee piece of cake wrapped up ever so nicely on the counter. Pretty sure it's meant for me. She must love me lots.
Hey everyone. Quick psa: if someone you know has gone to some third world disaster zone, it is impolite to ask them if they have ptsd or all if they saw really fucked up shit. Because worst case they actually did, and best case they didn't and you're just being a complete asswipe. Other than that, I'd say my cousin's wedding went pretty well.