Nope. I'm talking about the specific beer that article mentions. It's called Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale. Lexington is about an hour a way from Cincinnati, so we're in their distribution area. Their distribution area is fairly limited, pretty much the 75 corridor and a few outliers. Like I said, it's good, and The bourbon flavor isn't overpowering. If your ever someplace they serve it'd check it out, but no need to go out of your way for it.
We get that in Florida. $12 a 4 pack. Since it is summer, I will wait for winter to pick any up. Nothing like sitting on your porch at night in 80% humidity drinking a glass of tar. Barrel aging beer is not new either. Dogfish Head ages IPA in fresh oak barrels, a Belgian in Pinot Noir barrels, and their World Wide Stout had a run where it was aged in bourbon barrels. Great Divide ages their Yeti Stout in bourbon barrels too. Get that one, it is one of my favorites. Great Divide is one of those breweries that isn't reinventing the wheel, they're perfecting it. Have not had a bad beer from them. Last night I had Biere de Miel, a Belgian made with honey. Gave me a searing headache, but it was quite tasty. I love corked beer. It's so classy.
So, did you kill anyone? In other news, I just found out this is a thing, and I'm pretty sure I have it:
So my day was spent in an art class with my dad drawing a naked chick. Father-son bonding sure has changed.
Good God, you weren't both drawing pictures of your wife were you? I'm going to an Irish bar to watch the world cup. I will also be consuming beer and whiskey. BALLS AHOY.
Took my boys to a water park today. A few observations: Most women shouldn't wear bikinis. Most men should leave their shirts on. 99 out of 100 tattoos are stupid and ugly.
Moved to Kelowna and this is the first weekend I've had to relax and enjoy the weekend. It's reading 35 degrees on the thermometer, and I'm happy to report that my deck is perfectly positioned for being in the shade. I'm happily buzzed while bbq'ing a nice stuffed pork loin and some roasted potatoes and grilled asparagus. I'm still sleeping on an inflatable matress until my shit makes its way out from Ontario, but I'll be damned if life isn't good right now. At least I was smart enough to drive out with my blender. What's a hot summer day without a stiff blender drink or three??
I also have 3 magpies that consider my back yard to be home. They are pretty fucking interesting birds.
So, apparently last friday an exchange student from the US got stuck in a giant stone sculpture of a vagina in Tubingen. He climbed in on a dare and couldn't get back out so....they had to call the fire department to extract him....
I should clarify, I rarely get hangovers. Normally involves drinking something like box wine. I didn't get my first hangover for years and don't get me wrong I've had some head splitters but when they happen once in a blue moon I don't see it as worth mentioning.
250 bonus rep points for any new posts to the boobie thread. *offer good for the next three hours or until I pass out on my deck, whichever comes first.
Magpies/crows are super smart. There was a pretty good TED talk on them. One of the things they observed was crows dropping nuts into the road to be cracked by cars, then the crows were observing the traffic patterns to know when it was safe to go collect the nuts. Which, frankly, is much smarter than many of the people I see crossing the road around here.
I fucking hate magpies. Nasty little fuckers have taken chunks of flesh out of the back of my head when I'm on a pushbike. I think crows are a fair bit smarter, you can walk right up to a crow tree with nothing in your hand but have a gun and you won't get close enough.
Not sure if mine counted actually. But I said last night I would post the actual pic, and I too am a man of my word
No, you are not too late. Show us your tits, win 250 reps. If you want to earn 1000, feel free to ask how.