Someone posted a recipe for strawberry pretzel jello salad on FB. Because apparently FB is now my grandma's church. I never understood why people would take something gross like jello and make it even grosser by adding pretzels to it.
\ Jello Shots are the entire reason why we have Jello. Just replace the cold water portion with freezer chilled vodka.
A long time ago, back when I was single and wanted to use my position in life to impress women who I wanted inside of, I used to have press credentials for the NBA and the whole she-bang. A brain tumor knocked all that out because, well, shit happens sometimes, and my writing isn't what it used to be. But here I go for another try: If you are firmly religious, don't look at this; if you are open-minded, well, click if you're curious. Spoiler Trying to get back into the game now. The first hurrah? A "coming out" story as an atheist, who also works for a multi-million dollar preschool which has slightly religious leanings. Every single person in my family who knows that I am an atheist, has disowned me. I've had my car keyed multiple times simply for displaying an "equal rights" sticker on the back windshield. The idea is to explore why we have to "come out," like it's a bad thing, and what happens when we do. More over, the greater idea is to explore what happens to me after the initial article is published (and I intend to make everyone I come into contact with on a daily basis aware of it). Might I lose my job or be demoted? Possibly but not likely. Though I'm not banking on it. Will I be disowned by all of my family? Smart money says yes. What about me living in Texas, the proverbial stereotype state where people presume our talks around the dinner table are about how we brought slaves back from Africa? I'm curious to know what will happen to me, and around me... I'm not out to make money; I've already made my money, I guess, depending on the life you want to live. But society is interesting, and we're at a "tipping point" right now... which way do you fall???
You sound like one of those pushy twats on both sides that constantly shove it in people's faces then wonder why nobody likes them but make it off to be as if everyone else is closed minded but them.
Yeah. No matter what you believe, there will be millions of people out there who vehemently disagree with you, so why poke the bears? Let them have their stupid beliefs, if they can't accept that Mormonism is the One True Path then fuck 'em.
I saw a man tonight. He was fucking LOADED. Huge crowd watching The World Cup on a bar patio. So he manages to push himself into a good spot to see the TV. EXCEPT... he has his son with him. When the U.S. makes a goal this guy goes nuts, flailing his arms around and manages to clock his 9 year old in the face not once, but twice. Dude doesn't even notice. Kid is near tears. Dad's too busy bouncing to notice he cracked his boy like a $5 whore. Kid shakes it off, manages to slink under his dad's waving arm to run to the back of the patio. I glance back and the kid is sitting with what looks like his brother at a table, playing with I-pads. Boy that got cracked has this look on his face like someone shit in his pillow. The only kids at the bar because it is a fucking bar. Couple minutes later kid comes back to hang out with his father. Once again dad smacks him right in the face because he's a drunk idiot. He picks the kid up trying to make him hop around with him. Boy is having NONE of it. He just keeps this expression of sheer contempt on him. It was hilarious how bad this fucktit failed as a father. And that is my World Cup story. Besides, a real man would have left his kids in the car with the windows rolled up.
I'm offended. Not really. I'm a little late to this . . . but, <gasp> my good man. That's what you think of me? Thinly-veiled? Ha. If I have ever made thinly-veiled references to wanting to see boobies before, let me just say that was not intentional. Because, I want to be up front here: I want to see all of the boobies. Seriously, though 'cup. If you need a shot of courage to get the nerve to post a picture of your boobs here, then go crazy. But, if you're so drunk that you make a decision you regret, then I'm glad you couldn't work the camera or whatever.
I have to say, Rush is truly a straight shooter. He told me what he wanted months, if not years, ago. I told him that if I ever had breast cancer I'd post a pic of them bitties for posterity before I had them lopped off in the mastectomy.
I'll do the same if my nuts are chopped off. For posterity. Because I'm sure the ladies really want to see them. Really.
I know, there is nothing more that the opposite sex wants to see but your diseased body parts. I live to serve.
My Mother in law is staying with us and my wife has poison ivy on her inner thighs, this is going to be the worst week ever. Thank god we have booze.
Soooo, you're saying you have to have sex with your Mother in Law (the 'stand in' principle) this week? Or am I just a sick bastard for thinking that?
I spent both Saturday and Sunday afternoon down at the lake this weekend, shirt on at all times. I have enough self-awareness to know this is best for everyone involved. Between swim shirts and the nike exercise shirts, there is no reason not to cover up your unsightliness. Plus I save a small fortune not having to sunblock my torso.
There's definitely cougar porn designed on the premise of boning your mother in law. I'm more curious if there is a poison ivy fetish porn. Do people get off watching women wipe their genitals with poison ivy and men coming in a day later to lick the rash covered vagina?