I went back and rewatched the fight and it seems that they intentionally used camera shots that hid that, using the ref and close in shots to hide it. Unless you were looking for it, it was really hard to see, except where the ref just stepped in/over it near the end.
It's happened more than once. And it happens when you get knocked into next week, only I witnessed it in a parking lot. I'm sure it's embarrassing, but it's not something you point and laugh at. That plain sucks. Now...if you get drunk and piss your pants? Yeah, I'm going to point and laugh at that you ding-a-ling.
She also responded on twitter saying "shit happens" while the lady who beat her said "im not gonna talk shit about her."
When I was playing sports I always, always tried to take a dump before the game, just so this didn't happen to me. In football nearly the entire team would do the same. It was called the pregame dump, sometimes you had to, sometimes you didn't, but going into the game you knew you made your best effort to make sure you didn't shit yourself later.
In certain states, the rules are that if you shit, you lose the fight. Even if you were winning. But if you shit yourself, you probably weren't wining anyway.
Learned this lesson -- like most lessons for me -- the hard way. Running cross country, had to take a shit. This occurred sometimes during races and training, you're running that kinda distance over bumps and stuff and shit is gonna get stirred up. But this one race there was no avoiding the inevitable. I had to blow my guts out via my anus, and I had to do it immediately. Fortunately, the race was on our campus that day, so I knew the area, and when I passed behind the bleachers I ducked into the portapotty. Quickest explosive shit of my life. I cleaned up as best I could and ran back out. Unfortunately, there were a ton of people who saw me, and I heard some real shitty jokes after that. Ended up with still a pretty good time, I think from trying to make up for the poop break. And after that everyone on the team made sure to point out the porta potties to me on the courses we went to.
Changing the autocorrect in someone's phone is the gift that keeps on giving. My wife was in a group text with my family for the lake this weekend, she wanted to text them that I would be making my BLT dip. So she sent out, to all my family including my parents "My Sexmaster will be making his BLT dip." They thought it was a lot more funny than she did.
I wonder what happened to her to get that. She is so high insane. Anyway I got it on my taint, originally I wanted it to say FUCK YOU but she could only fit FUCK in there.... And I'm kidding, I can't imagine a worse place to get a tattoo. I guess at least one one would ever see it.
If you Google "what happened to butthole tattoo girl" there is an article about how her father abused her at like 3 months or something. So, that probably got the ball rolling. Also, her Model Mayhem page comes up, and her bio says under "tattoos: none." http://www.modelmayhem.com/marialouise