Nope. Not touching any of those links. Not with someone else's dick and someone else else pushing. The only thing I want for the UFC is to pay the fighters better. There's still a ton of crap talent out there, and the guys on the bubble really lose big time. I think about Stephan Bonner and Chris Leiben: they never had a future and if they had better pay and promotions, it's a solid career without destitution. That's ultimately the problem: the money is all at the top and there's not enough left over to cultivate talent. Side note: Dana White is the face that appears in my head when someone says "bald, selfish douche". That whole promotion could benefit from some promotion skills that aren't catering to the crowd that thinks WWE is for pussies. If the promotion didn't still have the tinges of nu-metal, Monster-chugging, fucktards I think it could legitimately be an Olympic sport. If it's human cockfighting set to a Slipknot song for meth-heads, it's fucked. I do love the women's leagues, they are fantastic to watch, and no, they generally have the sex appeal of a yorkie mixed with Jillian Michaels screaming mid-kegel. Fun story: for reasons, I was naked in bed yesterday and my girlfriend has a stuffed animal. So I cock-slapped it, after wrestling it away from her. Funniest thing ever was the look on her face when she realized I was going to cockslap her teddy bear.
And what flavour would that be? The flavour of eggnog after you leave it sitting next to a radiator for two days? It just sucks when you're born into hell and garbage. She made the most of that, and now she's a famous model.
I was going to say more of a mix of sun bleached faygo and mexican dirt weed. An experience only enjoyed through youtube videos or sometimes seeing a Juggalo type flip out at a country gas station.
You see, it's not fair. As a proud and avid participator in People Watching....your weirdos are so much better than our weirdos. It helps you have nine times our population crammed into a lot less space. Sure, up here we get the occasional chap who eats somebody or stabs them to pieces on a bus, but the way people make a scene in public in's a fucking ART I tell you. Not only do you get a scene, but you are treated a person who looks exactly like they were tailor-made to make a scene in public. At least twice in a Waffle House my wife and I had to go into Zen Mode because of some hilarious random outburst. Everyone else in the place treated it like it was Tuesday while we're losing it trying not to laugh, meanwhile I whisper "Ummm... Did the customer just scream at the entire kitchen staff they they're a 'Bunch of fags'?"" It's awesome.
Maybe it should've been assumed she's from Florida. She looks 30 at 21, imagine at 30 how haggard she will be? Canada has tons of weird people, but I'll agree the weirdness is less severe. But if we're considering how weird the US is, we need to take Florida out, it fucks the curve up big time.
Boy you need to come down to some midwestern Flea Markets if you really consider yourself a dedicated people watcher. It's almost indescribable. I don't think I laughed harder, non high, in my life than the last time my roommate and I went to get knock off Bengals jerseys. After taking it all in leaving saw a guy pestering his morbidly obese friend with the line, "YO BUDDY YOU STILL OWE ME DEM' CHEEEEEEEEEEESE BURGERS!" (while vigorously shaking the guy's massive gut). The fat guy was in overalls with no shirt. It was only of those "laughed so hard it was physically painful" moments. This flea market is just a mile or so from the late great Touchdown Jesus which tells you need to know about how amazing the people watching is: DUECE DUECES get it right BITCH!
Holy shit. One of the craziest videos I have seen in a while
Yeah she has a few extra miles on her, and diseases, blah, blah, blah, but somehow that "was kind of cute once but now is highballing it to Trashtown" look turns me on. I am certain its related to some experiences I had with a white trash chick back in my formative pubescent years when I was 14.
So one of the artists at the place I got my tattoo from has this on his online portfolio, I'm stunned...
I can't seem to play that, is that the one where the girl was wearing something blue on her head and you can see where a bullet hits inches from her head on the cement wall?
Here's the butthole tattoo girl's interview. It's all the hilarious craziness you were expecting, plus even more you weren't!! I wish that whole thing happened more recently with the ADD viral media, it'd be all over the place. That chasha outside girl has nothing on this crazy cooter. Her inked anus would be all over CNN and soccer moms would be warning their teenagers against the dangers of butt play.
According to the article I posted, she said she got framed by her ex boyfriend's mom when he stole his mother's jewelry for drug money, she broke up with him and then to get back at her the mother framed her. Yup, I'm sure that's totally what happened.