Canada gave the world the Robinson-head screw and screwdriver. Now THAT is an admirable invention, if you've ever used tools in your life.
Gin and tonics tonight. The kids went to bed early. Hopefully that doesn't mean that they're up earlier than usual in the morning but right now I'll take the trade off.
Blah. I spelled it wrong and it auto corrected wronger. Other things invented in Canada: Canada Dry Paint Roller Jock Strap Electric Oven Alkaline batteries Caesar cocktail Electron microscope Garbage bags Wonderbra Telephone Medicinal insulin Caulking Gun Instant Replay Trivial Pursuit Also:
The US invented the atomic bomb, we invented a way in which humans can actually annihilate ourselves. Top that Canada. Btw Canada, please no more Elisha Cuthbert, she was hot like 10 years ago, anymore she's just Pheunuf's annoying worn out wife
Had my first In-n-Out burger today. Double double animal style (no tomatoes), fries, coke. Yeah.... I'll stick with the Whataburger that's right across the street.
No, we can't say that we've invented weapons that etch shadows permanently into the sidewalks. But that honestly a toy I hope never gets played with again. Don't we all? You guys also have the car, the airplane, television, Billie Holiday, etc. Just to show we're good neighbours, here's some American patriotism:
At work today we got an e-mail that one of our systems was down, but not to worry because we had back up databases and it would be back up shortly. About 2 hours later we received an e-mail stating that the person who sent the e-mail will be leaving the company to pursue other opportunities effective tomorrow. (AKA when the unemployment office opens.) Either the dude seriously fucked up a multi-million dollar database that can't be recovered or he came in drunk this morning and pissed all over the servers.
I'm on my second gin and tonic and my 5th(?) episode of Seinfeld. This is my Friday night, folks. Be jealous.
Today I hired one of my former students to be one of our teachers. I feel really old now. Moments like these are what makes sobriety really suck.
Here's something fun. When I woke up this morning, I as usual turned on the TV news while I got ready for work. The cheerful meteorologist informed me it was 95 degrees. At 5 fucking 30 in the morning. By the time I got in my truck to drive to work it had cooled down to 93 according to my truck's ambient temperature readout. At 6 AM. When I left work my truck kept telling me it was 90. That couldn't be right though...I checked the temperature before I left work and it was officially 113 somewhere in town. I kept glancing at my truck's ambient temperature read out on the drive home and it kept reading 90. Finally, it sparked up...121 and then finally settled at 117. In other words, it was so fucking hot it fucked up my truck's ability to process how fucking hot it fucking was. Fucking, fuck, fuck, fuck.
That sort of heat is so unbearable and gross. It's just furnace-hot fumes shooting down your throat with every breath. I love summer, but there's a limit. One good thing about winter is you can sleep. In the heat, no dice.
It's been raining non stop here for almost a month. I need a fucking ark to get to work. Today is the first not rainy or overcast day in damn near all of June, and the high is 70. On a related note, I can't even go outside because it is like a mosquito plague out there. I was outside for 10 minutes yesterday when it wasn't raining and I got 5 mosquito bites. This summer has sucked. But hey, at least it isn't 117 degrees.
Lots of skeeters this year but fortunately it wasn't a junebug summer. Fuck, I hate those big creepy bastards. Not quite as horrific or in-your-face as the Satanic minion known as the Palmetto bug, even still you honestly can hear them blindly slamming their bodies into the side of the house at night when they come out. And if you listen REALLY closely you can hear them calling you obscene names in some sort of awful inspect language. They're saying "YO, BITCH-ASS!!!!! As soon as you come outside, we're to crawl up your pant legs and tangle ourselves in your hair, all the while attached to you with our six giant hairy insectoid-legs that feel like inch-long demonspiders are dancing the Lambada on your flesh. NOW SCREAM, BITCH!!!"
The tall ships have come into Philadelphia, which I can see from my window. There's also a giant rubber ducky. I'm not kidding, that's not a euphemism. Later, I may try to get a photo during one of my walks if it stops raining.
False flag. Gay marriage was an inside job. Those rainbow lights were up on the White House BEFORE it was passed into law.