I feel like I could get rich as shit appealing to a relatively small wackjob group and just pandering like a fucking madman to them. Then write a "self published" book in a night or two and run a propaganda campaign amongst your followers that "the man" is afraid to publish it so you're doing it yourself. Boom. Paid. Rinse and repeat every few months. What is the downside? The people you're fleecing are too stupid to care about anyway, and finding an audience wouldn't be that tough in the cesspool that is the internet. Fuck it, im sticking this in my "shit to do when I have free time" pile.
Kirk Cameron is doing exactly that... making absolute shit movies, but with heavy Christian themes, that are heavily marketed to and supported by Christians with deep faith. Between that and his television ministries, he's making some half-decent coin. He's not doing it intentionally (he became a born again Christian a long time ago), but he's a poster child for the benefits of targeting a very specific demographic and making content for their particular tastes while being laughed at by the vast majority.
Dude, Cartman was right, the best way to make money is off of Christians, and South Park said that again with the Mickey Mouse episode. Christians are easy targets really. I love the irony of the majority of them. Christ said drop everything and follow me, but look at how much these people are willing to make off of each other. If I didn't have a conscience I would totally chase that market, make some cheap crap, sell it at local churches, expand manufacturing overseas, sell at ever increasing prices, all while praising God and giving nothing back
What the fucks going on in here? To reward myself for enduring this fucking house buying process (I close Thursday but who fucking knows) I had a giant long island iced tea for lunch.
Nothing much... except that it's Canada Day Eve, where we all go door to door and form scrimmage road hockey teams and make each other maple syrup snow cones and drink rye.
In a way, Canada Day seems like Canadians saw the American 4th of July, figured they should have something like that and invented that. Is there any significance to the date? Did Quebec finally succeed then? Or was it just, this seems like a good day, this is officially Canada Day? Out here, some of our worst/best sterotypes/attributes play out. Is it the same way in Canada? Do Canadians get wasted on Molson then go play some shinny while taking shots of maple syrup after every goal?
It's not like you're normally renowned for being clever around these parts, but you could at least try. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=why+is+canada+day+on+july+1st
I think he just wanted to make sure we got the date wrong like America did. They achieved their independence in the 2nd of July and celebrate it on the 4th. Like weirdos.
Exact historical dates are a bit pedantic, whats most important is what those events did not when they happened
Ummm... well it's celebrated on the 4th because that's when the declaration of independence was drafted. If memory serves it was actually formally signed on August 2nd or something like that. I guess we could celebrate on that day too, but there's several dates you could choose. In the grander scheme of things it's not all that important.
Congress voted to declare independence from England July 2nd and voted to ratify the Declaration itself on July 4th. It was then distributed. The signed copy was signed August 2nd.
Woah woah woah slow the fuck down. Congress declared independence on the 2nd, and then ratified the declaration on the 4th, and then signed the declaration a month later? And you think the metric system is too complicated?
We like the complexity of not having another country's monarch on our money too. http://s1.reutersmedia.net/resource...92383&w=&fh=545px&fw=&ll=&pl=&r=CBRE90H1J9H00
But more seriously, as much as I'm used to the Imperial system, we need to switch to metric in more than just official uses.
Shows what you know. She's our head of state and our queen, too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Canada
A few years ago, the GA DOT changed their rules to require the switch all of their standards to both Metric and Imperial. There was a transition period, where they published their standard specifications and drawing details in both, required plan Submittals in both, and bidding in both. There was supposed to be a date on which everything would be total metric. But none of the contractors (or their equipment) wanted to work in metric. So, as engineers, we were preparing two sets of plans: one for State approval, and one for actual construction. The State finally gave up, and went back to imperial.
We don't like the bitch nor want her on it. Not to burst your bubble, but your country has a monarchy too: money. You just can't put money on a dollar bill. You'd blow minds.