Cool concept? You know services like this have been around since the mid 2000s right? Check out rdio, spotify or rhapsody. All have been around a lot longer, and probably have much cleaner interfaces for their apps, websites etc.
No shit, but AppleMusic interfaces directly with your iCloud and iTunes profile. I have Spotify already, but I signed up for the 3 month trial for AM to check it out.
I misunderstood then. So, what's neat about it? Is it just music recommendation based on the music you already downloaded? You can upload the music you already own to Spotify too. Honestly not trying to be a dick, I just see this as another ploy by Apple to keep people within their eco-system, which is my big beef with their products. From what I've read about it the app doesn't seem to have any upside to the other services that do the same thing.
You're not being a dick, I'm not Tim Cook. I think the way Apple does the recommendations is better, but Spotify obviously has the cross platform functionality which is huge. From what I've read, the libraries are basically the same between them, unless you're a Taylor Swift fan.
I....don't even. Is that burger seriously a thing? Fast food seems more like population control in your country. Damn lizard people.
Happy Birthday Canada! Love, VI P.S. You definitely have some super hot women. Shame it's too cold for them to be in revealing outfits all the time. Shame about your bacon though.
I love Canada. I've only been to Toronto, but I like snow, so I'm sure the rest of the place is grand. Plus, you guys gave us Rush, so no complaints.
Trump, finding more and more ways to fail.
When I switched to a Droid (don't do it!), the guy told me it may take a day or two for imessage users to get texts because Apple does some kind of proprietary stuff with it. Apparently there is a lawsuit about it. Full disclosure: any of the previous statement could be wrong as I was only listening with half an ear as I didn't really care. My middle daughter turned 16 today. I am currently sitting in the DMV waiting for our number to be called. Only 20 more to go! At least the people watching is fascinating.
I just made this switch and only in the last few days have my iphone friends been able to successfully text me. The phone(s6) is wonderful though. But I have very little respect for Apple. Punishing people who switch. I don't see why it would be lawsuit worthy unless something bad happened as a result of a lost text message.
In order to ensure your text messaging works seemlessly, you have to disable iMessage for your cell number before you switch. But most people don't know or do that, so find out after the fact that it'll take a couple of days to fix. You can also log into the Apple website and disable it. But you know, it's easier to shit on Apple for the problem than to take responsibility for the switch.