Nearly every Chinese restaurant I've ever been to is staffed exclusively by the owner's children. I only use my debit card at the atm. Everything else goes on the credit card, which has infinitely better consumer protection laws, and any fuck-ups get dealt with before the money leaves my bank account.
I mostly do the same thing. I use my debit card at the grocery store and some other businesses I trust, and that's it. Everything else goes on the credit card, which is nice for me because I get points.
I am not a credit card guy, or a cash guy. Besides my wife works for TD Waterhouse so we get unlimited free everything in banking.
Amy Adams continues to win my heart. The other day she gave her first class plane ticket to a soldier on her flight and took his coach seat. Delightful.
I use the credit card for everything. It's awesome because we get cash back, it is easy to track our purchases and see where every dime goes, and when there are fuckups they are easier to clear. I heart my credit card.
The other part of this is that she did it on the DL. She pulled a flight attendant aside after seeing the soldier when she boarded. They say there was someone from ESPN that saw it all go down and that's how it got out there but, she also took a couple pics with the coach passengers so either way it would have broke. Then we have Shia LaJackass who got so drunk he hassled some homeless people, raised a ruckus in a bar and ended up in the back of a cop car. What a phenomenal douche that guy is.
Pretty nice of her, acting like a generous human being, unlike this unrepentant asshat. EDIT: Beat me to it.
Ill never get melt downs like that from stars. Can't they just be content fucking any and all high end star fuckers for the rest of their days?
Same with me and the wife, nothing goes on the credit card we cant pay for, it is always paid off at the end of the month. But easy to track and easy to fix fuckups.
I'm pretty neurotic so I pay it off every week or two, but ya know what? We have zero debt and A++ credit so it seems to work out just fine for us.
Its a nice gesture, but thats it. Lets not make it out to be more than it is. If any random dude gave up his seat to a soldier, they'd be applauded on the plane and thats it. Meanwhile, Amy Adams will get widespread praise for doing something we'd hope most ordinary people would do.
Sushi tonight!! Let's see if this time it gives me diarrhea too. It isn't like I'd be able to tell if it did, though. I am officially on day 4 of liquid shits, hooray!
Well I have PTSD (started 6-7 years ago), as well as the clinical depression and anxiety that goes along with it. It was really crippling at first, but a healthy combination of therapy, appropriate medication, and lifestyle changes (like quitting smoking, drinking less) has made to where people who I haven't told wouldn't know. It's pure hell to deal with, don't get me wrong, and I would much rather have a physical impairment than a mental one, but it's not the worst thing that could happen to me. In the theme of the thread I guess, any questions about PTSD, let me know and I'll answer them either on here or in PM -- whatever you want. I'm celebrating today because I finally get to go back to work on Monday. My son was born a little under a month early (his due date was yesterday), so I had to stay home while we were dealing with the typical jaundice and low weight stuff. Today at the dr we learned he gained over a half pound in under a week and is almost 7 lbs now, leaving my wife comfortable with me being gone for the day. I'll be grilling some great steak and drinking better whiskey tonight in celebration.
If I would toss firecrackers at you would you tuck and roll? I used to hunt with a guy who was in 'Nam and his brother would get drunk and randomly toss M-80's at him and watch him roll around the yard. Took the wife to her fist Ultra-sound today, 128 beats a minute and looking normal (I guess, it looks like a small blob to me ), my days of sleeping in end the middle of February.
No, my PTSD is the result of a medical incident. But I'm constantly on my wife to stop yelling unless it's a true emergency. For example, our house is fairly stretched out (that's what she said), so when my wife needs me and I'm at one end of the house she yells my name. Within seconds, I'm wherever she is with a first aid kit in hand and almost always a blanket if I pass one along the way. Yes, I keep a first aid kit in every room of the house and in our cars.
To the 48 year old "working" girl I had removed from the bar last night. Look, I get it, you are slightly passed your prime and since you don't have a pimp you gotta work hard but here are just a few pointers that may help you in future endeavors. 1. Please stop smoking, you smell horrible and if I need to get with a more mature woman such as yourself I would prefer that you not smell like Marlboro reds. 2. Congrats on scoring your first customer of the night quickly, but when you come back in the bar after cervixes rendered please reapply lip stick and fix your hair, the rectangular looking thing in your office (car) is actually a mirror please make use of it. 3. Budlight is not acceptable, all the young escorts are doing vodka water with lemon, I know you are old school but you can change 4. Just because you are a granny does not give you license to wear granny panties with your tight dress, but thank you for knowing how to sit properly so we did not all get beaver shotted. 5. Frequent Bathroom use- I know it could have been the beer but you only had 3 partial beers in 4 hours and you went to the bathroom every 10 minutes. The band thought you may have irritable bowels but I am guessing something else. 6. Drug use- I congratulate you for not being a coke feen, but the oxy your were smoking in the bathroom during your frequent visits backed up with the Xanax, Prozac and Vicodin you popped through out the night start to do a number on your balance and motor skills so maybe a little less RX would make you better at SEX. 7. White 6 inch pumps from the 80's, really they do a lot with shoes these days. 8. If you can't afford spray tan there is a lot of sun in this region and 30 minutes a day would darken those pasty white thighs up 9. It is bad form for someone in any profession to fall asleep in a bar sitting at a table by themselves 10. Next time you get kicked out of a bar and the bar people put you in a cab so you can safely make it home just go home, don't promptly exit the cab and stumble down the street to the next bar. See you around.
Don't steal my identity Just so I'm clear when I drunk post later, is the theme for the WDT Canada Day or credit / finances? Because one of those will make it harder to find theme-related nudity.
Not to defend him, cause he's a pretentious tool who is turning into a fucking maniac, but he was a child star who has been in the public eye since he was a pre-teen. Those sort of people dont have a great track record of turning into normal well-adjusted adults. Not to mention he has REALLY weird, fucked up hippy parents, so who knows what is going on there. That being said, I actually liked him alot as a actor before he started doing really stupid movies to go along with him ridiculous public behavior.