Rugby is a bad ass sport. I have absolutely nothing disparaging to say about it. It looks like a lot of fun. However, I don't know a single person in real life that watches it. I have know idea why that is. I know quite a few soccer (football) fans. He'll I even know a guy that will talk your damned ear off about cricket but for some reason I've never known anyone to watch rugby that didn't also play. Maybe I have just never known where the rugby scene is in America, but it seems to me to be completely over looked in this country. Are there any of my fellow country men that can speak to a strong rugby following in America? He'll until this post I didn't even know we had a national rugby team.
I assure you that I am shitfaced approx. 98% of the time I post, rep, or PM (sorry Noland). I just take the time to type carefully and clean up my spelling as best I can. Thank you autocorrect. And while I'm not currently shitfaced, I am definitely not sober. Send forth the gold stars and hero cookies.
Natty was looking on a website that posts naked selfies of chicks and a bunch of his sister popped up. I think iccorozo that had a sister doing can work for money.
Natty's sister was pretty banging too. Sorry I didn't right click save during that short 10 minute window.
The website she was seen on was If someone decided they wanted to comb through all the archives and find the pictures, they can. I just don't fucking feel like it.
Curiosity is getting to me(not to mention the prospect of boobs). If you know her handle I'll find it at some point...
The link is in the first 10 pages of the porn thread IIRC. Natty wanted us (well, the mods in 2010 anyway) to remove any direct postings to her pics so we'll respect that. If you find it in that thread just PM it to each other or something.
My daughter at the game today: "They don't even WEAR 'white sox'! BOOOOO YOU DONT WEAR WHITE SOCKS!!!" Strong with The Force, this one.
Ever wanted to donate sperm but couldn't manage to jerk yourself off at the sperm bank? Have no fear, the Chinese are here to save the day: Apparently the screen enables you to watch your favorite porn while the machine jerks you off, and the dials can control height, angle, jerking rate, tightness, and all that.
Really enjoying Scotland on Day One. For you Game of Thrones fans, Edinburgh Castle looks like something right out of the books, sitting high on a hill, gray slate sky behind it, quiet. Brooding. It's pretty fucking awesome. Had a good Italian dinner down the street from my hotel. Fucked up 'free wifi' here though, you get to log on for an hour, then you have to wait for 3 hours to log in again. And it's slow, like 'how VI learns shit' slow. Of course, for 10 pounds sterling, ($16 U.S.) a day, you can get continuous, i.e. normal, internet access. I may have to do that tomorrow.
If you get a chance, go to the #2 Baker Street pub at the base of the castle... they have great live music and reasonably cheap beer. I ended up getting hammered and playing with a local band until 5am there. Hell, I bet "Tommy the Guitarist" is still playing that pub... and will until he dies.
Alright, I've let you guys stew long enough. She is pictures 6 and 7 I believe. Maybe one other below those somewhere Edit: and 14
For fuck's sake just link it: NSFW It's the dude's sister. Let it go. NSFW You opened the first and were silly enough to see if I was bluffing a second time?