A woman with whom I once had sex told me I had large balls. However many years later I'm still trying to take that as a compliment.
As long as your scrotum isn't the size of a grapefruit, you're good. Ignorance is bliss. I'd take it as a compliment until proven otherwise. If it's that large your dick points straight ahead, and if you have to sit down to pee the piss goes EVERYWHERE. Don't ask me how I know.
Large balls are ok. It's just another feature of your body. Swollen balls are totally a turn off, though.
It IS a compliment. There is nothing that fires a woman's pilot light quite like a monstrous scrotal sack. The kind you see a old-timey bank robber running from the cops with.
I once knew someone who had an amputation...who had MASSIVE BALLS. Like, something medically wrong they were so huge. Anyway, part of my "interaction" was helping them to the restroom. Afterwards, piss was everywhere. Nothing was wrong with this person cognitively or with their arms...I said, "Here are some wipes so you can clean yourself up. We'll worry about the gown later." The dude told me that it was so painful that he couldn't do it himself. This went back and worth for a while. (It's shocking because it's very different from my personal life, but I can be a little bossy/forceful. I HAVE to be where I work. I don't do things I don't want to do, and I don't get manipulated. I don't know how I ended up in this situation. I think it's because it was so different from my everyday routine that I cracked.) I ended up lifting this disgusting penis and cleaning his balls. UGH. On the outside my face was normal. On this inside I wanted to hurl. One of my friends has MacGyver'd a scrotal sling out of a towel. You use the towel to cradle the balls and tie it behind someone's neck. It sounds hilarious, but it works. OK, not gonna lie. It is hilarious.
By chance was it this guy? How do you even use a toilet at this point? He can't even get his shit into the tub. "The doctor told me to just go everywhere. Fuck it."
You realize by saying you don't get manipulated but ended up washing this guy's genitals anyway [when he was perfectly capable of doing it himself] means on a subconscious level you wanted to manhandle his junk.
Anyone here use the john then when they flush the toilet they get that cold rush of water against their sack? Fucking sucks.
Yep. When i use the urinal I plop the whole package out there. I got really very saggy balls, its intense.
What. No. And I have huge, dangly balls. Stand up before you flush. Why wouldn't you want to admire your work anyway? For fuck's sake, are you flushing your poop water with your junk still in the bowl?! What the fuck, dude.
Who stands and looks at their work? I want it gone, I don't do well with poo, but apparently I'm willing to let poo water touch my balls so I don't have to look at it. Its complicated. The correct thing to do is flush when you're sitting, then take care of whatever mess their is. That is the correct order and anything else is blasphemous.