And to think, I moved from a place where North Dakota was only a short drive away. If only I had known...
I too have been conducting a study on penis size and I can assure you that black guys have large wangs. So do Jews. The smallest have been the Irish so I think that's why they're so drunk and angry all the time.
I'm surprised about Jewish guys being well endowed. I have been with a few asian women, they do seem to be made for smaller men.
Well, you're like 8 feet tall so I'm sure everything's fine. And don't worry, Mississippi is a safe distance away.
Why do you guys still have two Dakotas? We only have one Roughriders football team now, you guys should have one Dakota. Oh one of them evil but you can't tell which one is because they're so alike? Because the two Virginias I could tell apart. West had a much higher bib overalls-per-capita.
Everyone needs to stop what they're doing and catch up on the episodes of Sex Factor that you've missed these past four weeks. It is a reality show hosted by xHamster that's the search for the next porn star and it is just this magnificent clusterfuck of delicious trash. The entire concept of the show completely changes with every episode - sometimes even halfway through the episode - and it is so incredibly poorly produced in the most amazing way and half of the contestants are the worst people on earth and the other half are actually not too bad but still insufferable. I laugh more watching this show than any of the intended-to-be comedies I watch and then of course there's sex (and tons of nudity) that's either fun or genuinely hot to watch. Most of the challenges are completely ridiculous, but for the not so ridiculous ones it is actually pretty interesting to get the behind-the-scenes look of what goes into making porn. It's the best half hour of my week every week and you should all get on board. (And then let's giggle over who our favorite contestants are.)
Can't be all bad, Ric Flair is from there. South Carolina has really nice buildings and people greet you by warmly breaking a chair between your shoulder blades.
My wife is the same way. I basically don't give her an option. Or I trade her sexual favors for expanding her horizons with food (yes ladies, it works both ways). Now that our 2 year old has developed a taste for what I cook she's outnumbered. Kinda sad though that my son knows how to hold a fork the right way and yet whenever we go out we inevitably see people just shoveling food into their mouths, gripping their utensils with the thumb pointed toward the fork, spoon, or knife.
On my wife's suggestion of all things, I had my first beer in over a year a few days ago. Hey, I wasn't complaining. Going to the coast tomorrow to fish and enjoy the weather before I knock her up for kid #2. She suggested I test my boundaries with alcohol a little before we get there, the idea being if I do drink I want to know how many I can have before I feel uncomfortable. I've had three beers in 3 hours. And I feel... confused. Closest thing I can compare it to is morphine after my brain surgery, not in the pain killer sense but in the sense that I know something isn't right and I want to be sober immediately. Such a weird feeling. It's been so long I forgot what a buzz felt like (and yes I am buzzing off a heineken, modelo especial and blue moon). It's like I lost my virginity again, except instead of it being all cool and me celebrating like I did when I was in highschool, I feel like I'm being raped. Well, at least I can make a legitimate WDT post. Fuck me. This is so confusing. It's like if your wife gave you permission to cheat, there's a bunch of hot single ladies in front of you wanting your cock, and in your head you swear up and down they all have the clap.
I'm not sure if I'm an exception to the rule, or my minority of Italian genes are really carrying the team.
I will say that there has yet to be a bad Italian sausage in this study. It's kind of like Italian food that way.
I'm not judging and it is your life and decision to make. I would encourage you, however, to do a TiB search for the word "alcohol" posted by RevengeoftheNerds and see what you yourself have said about your relationship with the fermented grain.
Yup. Fully aware. My wife figured I'd just try it and I was kind of curious if it even tasted right anymore. This isn't a "back on the wagon" thing. I don't like eating chicken, doesn't mean I swear it off. That being said, I actually prefer the taste of my non-alcoholic beer more. So at this point there is all the risk in the world and no reward. But it was worth a try just to see if I could do it. Turns out I can. Good game fellas. Glad it's over.