I saw a 600 pound pig and a horse get into in once. It was fascinating, It was a very hot summer day and the horse's water trough was an old bathtub. The pig decided the water trough looked like a good place to cool off, so he climbed in. The horse was highly offended by this act of desecration and started biting at the pig. The pig started biting back. But he stayed put in the nice cool water. ( If you've never been around pigs, they can seriously fuck you up with their teeth.) The horse kept charging in and grabbing the pig by the ear trying to drag him out of the trough. This went on for about 5 minutes. Finally the pig had had enough and climbed out of the tub. The horse turned around and kicked him with both hind feet and sent him sideways about 3 feet. A 600 pound hog. The pig grunted and scurried off. He'd had enough. The pig never went in the trough again.
Man apparently the actor who played Mox's little brother in Varsity Blues has been missing for ten years. Shouldn't have converted to Islam...
Don't you just hate it when your Friday night plans fall though? But then you find a BIG OL' DOSE of MDMA you forgot you had? And if you knew you had it you would have cancelled your plans anyway? Life is so neat sometimes. EDIT: I love you guys. Even the ones who are stupid, which are most of you.
D-Day today, 71st anniversary. I know a lot of people get annoyed calling them 'The Greatest Generation' but until a generation does something equally amazing, they have the title in my book.
Yea thats kind of bullshit. What you're saying is unless another generation wins a world war, no other group can compare to them. Hmmmm
Not to get too political, but it's way more than that. Currently the US has been at war for 14 years, but you wouldn't know it as life goes on normally. No one (outside of servicemen and their families) are sacrificing anything. The collective mobilization of this country - in the midst of the Depression - is one of the most stunning achievements in history. We went from an isolationist country in the throes of an economic meltdown that lasted a decade to a world power in 4 years. Women worked in factories, produced amazing things, men (of all colors) went to war and sacrificed their lives. The society as a whole had to tighten up and deal with rationing for years. Then, after winning that war, the servicemen came home and powered what was known as 'The Economic Miracle' in the US that created the affluent middle class. They built the infrastructure in this country, electrified the country and made it a land of economic opportunity. In short, what that generation did and the circumstances under which they achieved it go well beyond 'winning a world war.' And no, until some other generation does something similar, I'm not going to compare any other generation to them because there is no comparison.
I'm sorry your post was way too fucking long to read and its Saturday morning. My default response is still I disagree, because I really don't care enough to read through all that and start an internet argument.
Sometimes I buy shit just because it amuses me. If you squint, it looks like he's wearing a huge cowboy hat.
Speaking of shits and giggles purchases... This is a postcard of the bridge into town back home in Idaho in the early 80's, but that's not why I bought it. There are plenty of postcards available with the bridge. What makes this one special is that orange blob on the bridge. That was one of my friend's '69 Nova. Even more amazing is there is another postcard from that era that shows his car parked downtown. I found one on the net for sale....for $15. It's not $15 amusing.
Niagara Falls is a friggin' zoo. I'm five seconds away from beating some random asshole to death with their selfie stick, those douchebag flags are EVERYWHERE.
How is Kate Upton a model? Clearly, it's all about her boobs because this pic is awful... either that or they do a shit ton of photo shop on her when there's a pic taken of her back side...
And she somehow has become a spokes person for the "curvy" girl. But other than her boobs she has no curves. No hips, no waist, just boobs. She does have a cute face but I never got the hoopla over her body.