Our Australian taste buds our well developed up here on top of the world, unlike those who live on the bottom of the world. Try eating it upside down in case your taste buds are under your tongue. Marmite tastes to me like you have described vegemite tasting to you.
I know times must be tough living on an island penal colony, but surely you don't have to resort to harvesting yeast infections off kangaroos for sustenance?
Kiwi's might live next door but they're similar to a Canadian describing and American. Cute, but only sometimes harmless.
Amazon just bought Whole Foods. For $13.7 billion in cash. A lot of hipsters are crying right now. I'm happy.
We killed all the indians and made room for you. Come on up. Very strange. The conglomeration machine rolls on. And this was after the CEO called short sellers souless vipers. lulz.
You probably didn't know, but there's actually a creek that flows purely with vegemite located just south of Ayers Rock.
I'm ecstatic about this. I love whole foods because they have good produce, meat, beer and coffee. As long as the quality doesn't slip, I really can't wait to have it delivered to me. Speaking of delivery, does anyone here use Blue Apron? We just started, because I was having trouble planning/shopping and executing dinner. We were eating the same 5 meals over and over again. I also struggle with portion control, and this helps with that. I don't think it's worth anything close to what I pay for it, but the fact that I don't have to plan or shop makes it a lot easier. Plus I get to try new things each week. So that's pretty sweet.
That's just because the pigs are so cold from the snow. The upside to global warming is their bacon will get better.
No, it's just that they produce odd meat because we're constantly in a state of zero gravity here. We strap ourselves in bed at night.