Yukon Cornelius, another lurker posts. In honor of that this is the first girl who popped up when I googled "naked yukon women" NSFW Took my first sick day in a year today, my head feel like it is going to explode, fucking sinus infection.
Half an hour on I am off until Monday the following week. Can't wait to get to the cottage. Fuck this town. So while CN is busy doing damage control for vaporizing a few dozen people in Quebec, here they are a suing a poor woman for half a million dollars for "inconvenience" because their train crashed into and killed her son. Really. At a crossing with no gates. If that fucking company got and more slimy I could kill it with a saltshaker.
So as I've mentioned before, I got fucked out of a promotion, found a new better job and gave notice at the current job. I can't put into words how mentally checked out of this place I am. I feel like Peter in "Office Space". I'm just coasting to my last day and I don't care about anything. My new job is going to be so much nicer and I'm taking a week off to float some rivers out near Austin after my last day.
Tonight I'm gonna grab a case of beer, some skittles, turn on CNN, and watch the riots. It'll be high quality tv. Just to see what the general consensus is around here, can we get a check in on what everyone thinks the verdict will be? I bet it'll come back not guilty.
And among the other top news stories this week in CAnada: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news...h-to-queen-as-discriminatory/article13160104/ You wild and crazy brothers to the north.
You must not be familiar with Texas Law. He would actually be hailed as a hero for defending himself with a gun. I doubt he would have even been arrested.
If Florida wasn't so insane, George Zimmerman wouldn't have been arrested either! Hopefully the hero stuff wouldn't have happened either. Crazy is bigger in Texas?
Even though Crown is a Canadian who just stereotyped Texas, I'm sure he knows what he's talking about.
Somewhere Nancy Grace has rolled up a copy of the Florida Criminal Code and is masturbating furiously with it and praying for an acquittal so she go on television and screech in fake righteous fury.
We actually had people in the restaurant today that said they came down here on vacation just so they wouldn't be in Orlando when the verdict came back.
I don't blame them, then again maybe nothing will happen. And if god forbid he is found acquitted, and there is rioting and looting, Im sure the "leaders" of the black community and the media that stirred the racial pot since this occurred will be held responsible. Of course they won't, but wouldn't it be nice?
Started new job this week. My predecessor leaves Monday, so from then on I'm the guy. Going to be fun. I have subordinates now. The first thing one of them said to me was "how old are you?" This is going to end well. Secondarily, what the fuck is it with people and not filling out narcotics registers properly? It isn't fucking hard. ONE drug goes on ONE page. You don't combine two different things into one page. You have a fucking university degree, you should be able to count all the way to one and stop there.