Not unless you're using oil. And what kind of savage doesn't have a griddle for hot sandwiches and pancakes? Frying pans won't cook that shit evenly. I've been watching the Tour de France because it's the only thing on AFN Sports here in Afghanistan, and it's mildly interesting. I wouldn't watch it if I had other options, but I can see why some people get into it.
What about with sidecars? How does that conversations go? Rider: Hey, you know what? Wife/Sister/Girlfriend: What? R: Next time I race, I'm gonna do with a sidecar. You should ride along. W/S/G: Do what now?
I want you people to tell me the minute the new royal baby is born so I can continue to not give a single fuck.
Expecting our first child whenever she decideds to get here. Due date was yesterday and nothing. I'm remarkably calm. But once the water brakes it'll be all crazyness. I'll be lurking, like i normaly do, from the hospital. We think baby will be 8 plus lbs. and long. Since I'm over 6ft and she's just over 5. It's wild to feel all the movement. And fuck the royal baby. I hope it has a stupid name. And back to normal programming
^ Best name ever. I can't wait for school to start back up. I need a break from my children. There is a growing possibility that I am going to snap and just hide in bed while I let the three of them fight it out for dominion of the house in a steel cage death match.
They're lighting up the CN tower blue or pink depending on the baby's sex. I haven't been this ashamed of my country since Len released "Steal My Sunshine".
I really need to try not getting fall down drunk the night before skydiving. Yesterday I didn't even realize I was still wearing the same clothes as Saturday night until I was putting my jump suit on. The worst part is I stayed in Friday night so I could be 100% for jumping, but the weather didn't cooperate Saturday.