Yeah, I think that was her point. Like, so what if they have less cheek? Why are they wiping cheek instead of just the immediate asshole area? Although, lack of cheek does prevent a good grab and spread maneuver, so maybe that was your point.
Because it's in relation to wiping, which usually means wiping your asshole. Either your diet is atrocious or your potty training was done in an incredibly incorrect manner if you think wiping your ass regularly involves wiping your asscheeks as well.
It's too late to unring the bell, but if there were people you wanted to tell in person you should have done that immediately before telling anyone else. If it is a situation where you weren't going to be able to do it for awhile (i.e. weeks or months because they live far away), then you have the choice of waiting that time and revealing all at once, or just be realistic and go for the next best thing - call them on the phone. Or Skype if grandma is hip to that. A lot of times when it comes to big life moments we have this ideal vision in our heads of how things are going to go, and sometimes you have to let these things go.
My uncle stepped on one of these while beach fishing in Northern Queensland. He was in hospital for about a month. His whole leg turned purple and swelled up until it looked like an obese man's leg on a skinny man's body. On the bright side, they had him so drugged on pain killers that he doesn't remember a lot of it.
Yea people talk way too much. Tell the people you want/need to tell first. Then everyone else. Slightly different, but we were forced to tell everyone early that my wife was pregnant. The once a month pre-natal checkups were done on the top floor of the hospital(offices/clinics no rooms), the waiting room is right out in the open with all the other to be mothers, right next to the diabetic waiting room. So anyone that is at the diabetic clinic knows who is pregnant.
We managed to keep our wedding a secret from all but the 20 people who attended it, thanks to A) threats, and B) locking our Facebook accounts to prevent anyone posting on our walls. After the wedding was over and the cat was out of the bag (because we posted our wedding photo on Facebook as soon as we were married, and then promptly shut off our phones for the night), I specifically went to visit my grandmother to tell her what happened, since she's old and deserving of being told to her face. That said, if you want to keep something a secret, you should probably have a good idea by this stage in your life who will and will not blab it around. In my case, I made damn sure to read Mama-san the riot act in advance and basically threaten to give myself a hysterectomy if she told anyone.
Wait, I haven't had the luxury of travel to China. What happens when shit needs to be lined up for? What is their system?
En masse pushing and shoving. Old ladies are the worst. The husband got some old lady's purse jammed into his scrotum when he was trying to take a picture at the Forbidden City.
I would not be able to deal with this. Either I'd just quit completely or I'd snap on some old lady. It would not be good. *shudder*
Between the pollution, over population, communist regime, and lack of bathing by the people mainland China sounds pretty awesome. I think I may go there right after my trip to North Korea.
Oh man, when my daughter and I were leaving NYC a few weeks ago, when it was time to board the train we had to go single file down an escalator from the Penn Station main floor to the actual boarding area and it was just like this - people converging onto the escalator en masse. My daughter's suitcase got hung up as she was getting on and the two Asian ladies behind her read her the riot act. I didn't hear them, and she told me about it later feeling mortified. I had to explain "New York City, dear. Fuck em." I wonder if the fact that they were Asian also had anything to do with it.
Uh... I'd warrant that the fact that they were New Yorkers had more to do with it. Not all Asian people are FOBs.
I wasn't trying to stereotype all Asians - but if they had been from China and that sort of behavior is common over there, it might have made more sense than the NYC excuse. It was just as likely that they weren't from NYC and were tourists like us on their way back home. I just blamed it on NYC as a convenient reason for the display of rudeness that she doesn't typically see at home.
Baww, you adorable little small town folk, with your delicate sensibilities and mildly racist undertones in your storytelling.